How much does your chicks cost at the feed store or TSC

West Michigan -
Family Farm and Home-

Cornish X broilers @1.19 ea
Asst heavies, St run - $.99 ea
Pullets: RIR, SLW, Isa Browns, EE's, Black Australorp, BO, Barred Rocks and others $1.69 ea

All from Townline Hatchery in Zeeland Michigan. Great hatchery, good prices and healthy birds.

I've had Isa Browns, RIR from them and also have their Cornish X in my freezer from last year and 25 more in the barn now. Have 10 BO pullets that are three weeks old and healthy.
I am so surprised about the EE's! When I called the feed store to ask when they will be getting chicks, they told me they would be getting EE's, among others. They also told me that the first time they had them in, they sold out in one hour, so I should get there early on the day of delivery to be sure to get some before they were all gone!

I called on the morning of the delivery and when I found out the chicks had come in, I RACED over there. Sure enough, someone was picking out a few EE's already. But I got mine, so I was happy!
msgenie, I did the same thing a month ago. Ran to buy some EEs and there was 2 ladies there before and they ended up buying all 50 of them. I was so mad. What is it about the EEs?
I was in TSC a few hours ago and they had what I am pretty sure were EE's but the people there were clueless. They looked like little chipmonks. But there were two groups in the pullet bin and some were darker than the others.

Price at the TSC in Concord, NC is:

Pullets 2.49
Bantam straight runs 2.29
Assorted straight run 1.99

I did not buy any. It was so hard. But since we have chicks hatching and I want to hatch more i figure I would be pushing it to bring more home right now.
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I wish we had a store around here that had bins that I could just go in a pick a chick out of.
I didn't even look at the order form to check prices but I am going to go to a breeder and get Ameracaunas for $5.00 a piece. Gotta pick them up tho, no shipping!

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