How much does your chicks cost at the feed store or TSC

I got 4 cornish rocks for my daughter last night for .99 straight run. I think they were a bit more for EE's and Wyandottes, but never looked too closely, since another customer was buying them all out just seconds before I got there. lol

My local feed store buys from Brau's hatchery in MN and they sell straight run broilers for .99 as well.
I've been wondering the same thing. We dont have a TSC around here I dont think. I advertised my 3 week old chicks the other day for 3 dollars a piece and had a person tell me that I was to sell them for WAY to much and all I can think is that he is just WAY to cheep lol. They are GLW and Black Austrolorps and I thought I was giving him a bargain but oh well. I might just have to keep them and get more eggs
Some people just want something for nothing. I had a steer for sale, 400lbs, and was asking $400. Below market for this area. One guy offered me $250. I just laughed. I sold him and got my $400 and bought the rifle I had been wanting.
I noticed you were picking up Ameracaunas, I live a bit of a distance away, but have been looking for a breeder in New England. Do you mind me asking who/where you're getting them from, and what colors? Thank you!

Oh, and mutt chickens from the local breeders are a $7 a piece, just for the Holiday! I wish we had a TSC local!
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Of the two feed stores I go to:

one sells them $4.99 to $12.99 depending on breed and size. EE( labeled Ameraucanas) $9.99 to Bantams $12.99.

The other store: all pullets and assorted breeds $2.00.

big difference!
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I paid 1.89 for the first six, got two for free with a 50lb sack of feed and paid two dollars for the last two. The first six were straight run from TSC, and the last four came from the CO-OP. This is in Alabama.
it really is amazing that these are all the same thing "chicks" and alot from the same place but yet they range on price so much
We got ours from Zanella Milling in West sunbury, PA.

$3.00 each for pullets. I got 12 RIR.

I know folks advertising around here on Craigslist, Horse Trader, etc., are asking as much as $5.00 for pullets, $10.00 for ducklings, and some looney tune I contacted on a Craigslist ad wanted $4.50 for straight run mutt chicks. She couldn't understand why no one was buying.

$3.50 for my 5 day old bantams.(sex unknown) $3.50 for my two day old RIR's and the Ameraucana's (pullets) and $2.50 for a dyed easter chick. (sex/age unknown)
They have the price based on age, every seven days the price goes up 25 cents.
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