How much is too much???

It only takes dropping an egg that has a live baby in it, cracking the shell accidentally and seeing the baby die and you won't ever want to candle again.

Most of the time I candle without picking up the egg...only holding the candler over top of the egg. On the morning of day 18, I pick each one up carefully and candle from the top and bottom to be sure that there are no late quitters. Otherwise, only at day 7 and 14.
Thanks biochick, I'm proud of her. She's 10yrs old and my fourth generation, and an AKC champion. Too bad she never gave me babies!

I like everybodies thoughts on candling, but how long is a broody off her nest when she goes to eat or drink?...and how often does a broody rearrange her eggs? I haven't had one so I don't know what would mimic natural conditions.

Also, It isn't exactly sterile under a hen for 3 weeks, so are we worried about different pathogens on our hands vs. on chicken butt. Just wondering.

Maybe if I have time (and cheap eggs) I could try to divide a group into candle daily and candle once or twice. I'd need a fairly good sample size to see a significant difference to draw a conclusion.

I'm one of those that candle constantly. I can't help it. I love seeing those little peeps. It was a great learning experience with my kids and grandkids and for me also. Joy
I've been candling this batch a LOT, but I've just candled a couple when it wasn't around day 13 and then I'll do it again on day 18. For example, I did one full batch of candling at about 1 week/10 days to check for quitters - and then marked the ones I thought were questionable. At more frequent intervals I checked on the marked ones (like every 2 days or so) and then removed the ones that had definitely quit and kept the ones that had progressed. Then I did another full candling at day 13 ( I think) and again, purged through by marking the ones that I wasn't sure about, and marking the ones I am sure, so tonight I will check in on the questionable ones (today is day 16) and then I will remove any more quitters, then do a final candling of everyone on day 18. This way I could satisfy my craving to check on them, but at least be somewhat productive with it.

I was also told it took approx 30 min for the internal temp of the egg to cool down, that may not be accurate, but just saying. You would think it would make sense though, so that mama hen has some time to get up and around and eat etc without her eggs cooling off before she gets back! There are also plenty of demo pics that show the egg every day right up until it hatches so, it must not be that bad. That is my reasoning anyways. You could always choose one particular egg and mark it for your son to watch, so that at least if there are any ill effects its only happening to one egg, not all of them!
I just had my first broody hen hatch some eggs last week. I was surprised how long she would stay off them every day when I fed her, at least 15 minutes at a time. They all hatched though. I guess she knew what she was doing.
I admit I need to go to CANDLING REHAB. I can't stop. I need professional help !! I confess to candling every other day up to day 18.
Can't argue with a broody. Seems she knows her business.


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