How much is too much???


geek dvm
11 Years
Mar 21, 2010
In regards to candling... My son loves to see inside his eggs, BUT I have no wish to harm the little ones. Does anyone have any real idea? When we do this they are only out of the bator max 10 min, and handled very gently.

I would think that like any baby that to much handleing would be bad & the drop in egg temp would be critical so I would explain to him that if he wants to have baby chicks that a minute or 2 is all the time you have to look.GOOD luck AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU & YOURS
I rarely ever candle. Usually on day 18, going into lockdown is about it for me. Personally, I think the more you handle the egg, the more likely it is you can disturb the contents and cause problems.
the heat the your candler emits would be the biggest problem. if you use a flashlight that emits no heat.......well then have fun looking but don't let those eggs cool off too much. I would say don't keep an egg out for 10 min. when we candle, after seeing into 2-3 eggs the kids have lost interest. I keep candling till i'm done. I candle 3 -4 times during incubating. maybe you could candle every 3-4 days?? the days go quick........... also be careful and wash your hands before you candle, you don't want to introduce bacteria.
I have got to where I only candle the eggs twice during incubation, once at 10 days and then just before lockdown. It seems to have helped my hatch rate.
Last batch I candled at 10 days and marked questionable eggs, then candled those on lockdown and not the rest.
Best hatch so far 100% on local eggs and 60% on shipped eggs.

dak I love your dobbie
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