How much should I charge for eggs in South N.J.?


14 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Mullica Twp., NJ
We are finally getting enough eggs that we can think about selling some. Some of our neighbors and friends have asked about buying eggs from us, but I wasn't sure how much is fair to charge. We have both white and brown, large egg layers (Blue Andalusians and Blue Orpingtons). What price would you charge for a dozen eggs??? Should I charge differently depending on the color? (Some people have actually requested brown eggs.)

I live in southern New Jersey, btw, in case the price would depend on the region. Does anyone else in this area sell their eggs, and if so... how much do you charge?
You must remember that you've got a special product! Once anyone tastes your fresh eggs, I believe $2.00 per dozen is a good beginning price. Your customers will deffinitely come back for more!
Don't let anyone try to talk down your price.
Let them go buy those hi-production, tasteless eggs at the supermarket.
We started selling our eggs a few weeks ago. We live in Central/Western Jersey (Flemington) and we ask $3.00/dozen. We have brown, green & silky eggs. We can't keep up with the demand so yesterday we bought some additions...but they are only a week old so it will be a while before they start laying. LOL!

Good luck! It really is exciting
Wow, that's an amazing price. We just hatched 12 more chicks with another batch in the 'bator. By next spring, we'll have TONS of eggs to sell!
Charge as much as you can get! Do NOT try to compete with grocery store prices! If folks would rather pay less for store eggs, let 'em. You're offering something that cannot be found in the stores, truly FRESH eggs from chickens raised in friendly backyard conditions.

Now most folks find they cannot make a big profit this way, but you might be able to cover the feed bill, or at least put a big dent in it. Plus you'll have the joy of sharing your chickens' output with friends & family.

You can make things easier on you by offering to deliver, maybe once or twice a week, when you're already heading out in that direction anyway. Folks can call/email you with their order and leave a cooler out by their door with a cool pack & the $$$. Then you're not bothered with lots of folks coming to your door at different times & interrupting your life.

You may also be able to barter with eggs for other goods & services. I wish you great success!
Thanks, that's great advice!

I think you must be right about having something that people want, so they must be willing to pay the extra for it. Afterall, people have started asking me about buying eggs... and I haven't even offered them for sale yet.
You have to compete with the other little guys from the little towns of South Jersey. I know of 6 people selling eggs in the town of Millville alone.
I wouldn't go over $3 a dozen. May need to put flyers out there to catch their interest.

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