How Much should I sell straight run chicks for?


Mar 18, 2021
I live in Twin Cities, Minnesota. I will be selling purebred straight run chicks (breeds below) What price for each breed. I know that some breeds sell for more and some sell for less.
  • olive egger
  • Barred Rock
  • Black Australorp
  • Blue Andalusian
  • Buff Brahma
  • Buff Orpington
  • Cream Legbar
  • Easter Egger
  • Lavender Orpington
  • Light Brahma
  • Brown Leghorn
  • Partridge Cochin
  • Partridge Plymouth Rock
  • Rhode Island Red
  • Welsummer
  • Bielefelder
  • Blue Copper Maran
I live in Twin Cities, Minnesota. I will be selling purebred straight run chicks (breeds below) What price for each breed. I know that some breeds sell for more and some sell for less.
  • olive egger
  • Barred Rock
  • Black Australorp
  • Blue Andalusian
  • Buff Brahma
  • Buff Orpington
  • Cream Legbar
  • Easter Egger
  • Lavender Orpington
  • Light Brahma
  • Brown Leghorn
  • Partridge Cochin
  • Partridge Plymouth Rock
  • Rhode Island Red
  • Welsummer
  • Bielefelder
  • Blue Copper Maran
Are these all from your own birds? Or are you buying from a hatchery and then re-selling them?
You can ask more for straight run, quality birds that are bred to the SOP than hatchery birds.
Depends on what else is available in your area and how much others are charging for the same quality.
You have to check out the competition and price comparably. If you’re going to charge more, people need a good reason.
Are these all from your own birds? Or are you buying from a hatchery and then re-selling them?
You can ask more for straight run, quality birds that are bred to the SOP than hatchery birds.
Depends on what else is available in your area and how much others are charging for the same quality.
You have to check out the competition and price comparably. If you’re going to charge more, people need a good reason.
I will order the eggs from meyer hatchery, than hatch them and then sell them as chicks. The birds at the hatchery are NPIP, AL clean , and all purebred eggs. I pay about $3 an egg. Would $6 seem reasonable? Chicks are sold in my area from $3 - $15. $3 for barnyard mix straight run and 7 - 15 for purebreds.
Sounds reasonable. Good to have a wait list of people. You can try advertising on craigslist or other venues letting people know that you have these upcoming chicks and when they are expected to hatch. That way you don’t end up with a bunch of chicks that you can’t sell and possibly a bunch of cockerels as well.
I do this with my silkies and have no trouble selling them straight run. I do not ask for a deposit or anything just generate a list to go on when your chicks hatch.
You do have to be prepared though in case you are unable to sell them and have a back up plan for them.😊
I will order the eggs from meyer hatchery, than hatch them and then sell them as chicks. The birds at the hatchery are NPIP, AL clean , and all purebred eggs. I pay about $3 an egg. Would $6 seem reasonable? Chicks are sold in my area from $3 - $15. $3 for barnyard mix straight run and 7 - 15 for purebreds.

I live about 4 hours north of you. In general, we can buy sexed pullets for about $3.00, straight run at $2.45 per bird, and about $2.00 for a cockerel. Some birds are more rare and cost a bit more. You should be able to get a chick list from your local Fleet or Farm stores. That would help you decide how much you can ask for your chicks, by breed.

My concern - Are the eggs you buy from the hatchery any more "purebred" than the chicks sold by the same hatchery? If you charge twice the going rate of $3.00 per hatchery pullet, you would have to be able to justify the expense. And if you are selling better "purebred" chicks for a higher price, you might need to find your customers that are willing to pay that premium. That is probably a much different customer than your average TSC, Fleet, or Farm store buyer (like me).

Anyway, I hope you are successful in your endeavor and will post updates to share with us. Best wishes.

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