How much space for meaties?

Your birds are dual purpose breeds, you can leave them on feed 24/7 they will self regulate unlike the CX, generally 4 sq ft per bird is recommended on here for coop size and 10 ft of run size but that will all depend on how you manage your individual flock, more space is generally less problematic as far as picking and fighting and also requires less frequent cleaning, less space gets dirty faster but if you are letting them out a lot or have area for them to roam free then a smaller coop area just for them to sleep at night isn't a big deal if you are willing to clean it more often. I butchered my extra roosters around the 20 to 24 week time frame as I like to let them get as large as possible before I have too many issues with fighting or bullying the hens
Thanks, guys. I appreciate all the help. Fermented feed sounds interesting, but I'm not ready for that step.

I have a seperate flock for my eggs. They are my pets & I love them. I put my son mostly in charge of caring for the meaties. Otherwise I would never be able to swing the axe!

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