How much to feed my chickens?

I wouldn't feed chickens more than they can eat, imo. Eating more will cause them to put on weight enlarging the crop and causing them to consume more. Chickens will also keep consuming more feed when they are bored. My chickens only eat every morning and once start wandering from their feeder that is usually when they are done. My chickens are by no means skinny either, they have a good amount of weight on them for their average weight. I honestly wouldn't let chickens get fat either.. My Black Copper Maran was too overweight because I was giving her own choice of amount of feed and feeding her other things.. bread, fruit, etc.. It started affecting her egg laying as well and she ended up with prolapsed vent.
When I say that I put out over 12 lb of feed a day and a flock block and what whatever greens that we don't use at the kitchen table and the 14000 pounds of bugs that eat they act like they're perpetually starving to death. The obviously not if you walk out there they all come running up to the fence beating each other up to be first in line LOL if you actually throw greens over the fence they would gladly sleep each other's throat to be the first one to the pile. As for play the dogs play with them regularly the Rhode Island Reds and sometimes the buff orpingtons seem to take great delight and taking turns being chased they'll chase the dog the dog will chase them it's a great game when the chickens had enough it cozies up to the rooster LOL
Wait you can freeze fermented feed?

I divvy up the 50#bag of feed into smaller bags, freeze it to try keep it fresher longer. I have frozen fermented feed, defrost & mix, use ... Worked.

Hawaii doesnt make and sell there own feed?

Nope ... We are so highly dependent on shipping from the Mainland it's SAD, hence our cost of living here is HIGHER. We used to be an Ag State but as the USA started bringing in cheaper products from other Countries, we lost.

Not to get on the political band wagon but wish everyone realized how much the USA is dependent on other Countries because of cheaper products & workers that will work for less. Now we have that Invasion coming up, it's scary.
When I say that I put out over 12 lb of feed a day and a flock block and what whatever greens that we don't use at the kitchen table and the 14000 pounds of bugs that eat they act like they're perpetually starving to death. The obviously not if you walk out there they all come running up to the fence beating each other up to be first in line LOL if you actually throw greens over the fence they would gladly sleep each other's throat to be the first one to the pile. As for play the dogs play with them regularly the Rhode Island Reds and sometimes the buff orpingtons seem to take great delight and taking turns being chased they'll chase the dog the dog will chase them it's a great game when the chickens had enough it cozies up to the rooster LOL

Curious, when you put out a Flock Block, do you remove it or just leave it? I look at it as a treat, afraid they'll eat more of it than their feed so never tried but it would be a good boredom breaker as my girls are not allowed to free range (safety).
I'm glad this topic came up as I was curious about this myself. I have 6 RIR's (5 hens and 1 rooster) they are 6 months old and laying. They usually go through a 50 lb bag of Layena crumbles in a month. I tried them on pellets and that seemed to last longer. I supplement with goodies from my garden, but lately substitute with cooked oatmeal, butternut squash (I had a bumper crop this year) and apples. I don't let them free range yet due to the local hawk population. The weather has been much cooler these past two weeks and they seem to be eating more. Until I read these posts was concerned I was overfeeding them.
Tell me more about freezing the ferment- I didn't know you could do that. I have been mixing up a small amount of feed every day- I have 3 containers that I rotate out, so there is a 3 day fermentation period. If I could do a bunch and freeze it to defrost a bag every day, that would be great. Can you do that?
Tell me more about freezing the ferment- I didn't know you could do that. I have been mixing up a small amount of feed every day- I have 3 containers that I rotate out, so there is a 3 day fermentation period. If I could do a bunch and freeze it to defrost a bag every day, that would be great. Can you do that?

I mix mine daily, have read some mixing up enough for a few days & rotating out.
The one time I froze FF was awhile back, had read about it on BYC, don't remember why nor how long it was frozen. I used a gallon ziplock freezer bag (filled about half), remove all the air, did put in another bag in case it leaked. Defrosted in the ziplock, after it was done, put it in the plastic container I used & left it out. Took a couple days but it started bubbling & smelled ok, chicks ate it. It was once & it's making me crazy to recall why I did it but I know I defrosted & continued using it as my base to start over.

You may want to experiment & try, or even try searching it in the forum section. I only have 4BO that are 28wks, add/mix 2 - 3 cups dry feed a day. I prefer fresh but freezing my 50# bag of feed is the only way I can think of keeping it "fresher" ... Humidity here is horrible & an issue.

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