How much to feed Pekins?

The Pekins won’t eat themselves into oblivion. I would leave food out 24/7 and they will eat what they need. As long as they get enough niacin, they should be just fine. :D
Pekins can have food 24/7. There is no "meat bird" duck, well at least no duck that is comparable to a BB turkey or CX. All duck breeds around today will not overeat like a CX or BB. I have a 7 year old Pekin drake who has had food 24/7 for his whole like, once he reached his full size he stopped gaining weight. This is why ducks are force fed on factory farms, they do not overeat by themselves.
Learned something new today! Thanks
Hmm, I'll have to go to the feed store and check the bag. Math is not my strong suit but based on what that said and converted to oz;lbs vs kg.... each duck would eat a half pound of food a day. That sounds like a lot but i'd have to weigh and measure to know. I'll get a fresh bag of duck kibble tomorrow and see what it says. Another headslap moment. :smack:smack
That sounds about right. A half pound a day. But yours might eat less since they forage and have the pond. If it were me, I would want to give them more feed than less just because they can have leg problems easier if they are deficient in certain b vitamins. As long as you aren’t feeding them straight corn or majority of a corn diet, you will be good.

Oddly enough b vitamins help them build muscle and strong bones. So give them mealworms, feeder fish, or any source of meat as a treat as they are good sources of b vitamins. I buy the b complex for when they are ducklings. It’s critical for Pekins in particular.
That sounds about right. A half pound a day. But yours might eat less since they forage and have the pond. If it were me, I would want to give them more feed than less just because they can have leg problems easier if they are deficient in certain b vitamins. As long as you aren’t feeding them straight corn or majority of a corn diet, you will be good.

Oddly enough b vitamins help them build muscle and strong bones. So give them mealworms, feeder fish, or any source of meat as a treat as they are good sources of b vitamins. I buy the b complex for when they are ducklings. It’s critical for Pekins in particular.
Yeah, I went through a bottle of B-complex getting them this far. The flock raiser is supposed to have enough but I added it to their water every time I changed it just to be sure. Good to know they won't eat themselves to death. :)
Yeah, I went through a bottle of B-complex getting them this far. The flock raiser is supposed to have enough but I added it to their water every time I changed it just to be sure. Good to know they won't eat themselves to death. :)
Looks like you are doing everything like a pro!! Whoop whoop!

The chickens who grow so fast they break their own legs is just so cruel. I’m glad my cute squishy Pekins aren’t like that.

I love your profile picture by the way!
I fill my 4 pekins tub of food up every morning but when they are locked into there house at night they dont have food or water to help prevent there house from getting too messy but they usually still have some food in there tub at night

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