How much to feed? Please help!!!!!!!!!


8 Years
Jul 30, 2012
I had a question about how much to feed my chickens. I have three five month old chickens that just started to lay. I have been giving them 2 scoops of laying feed and 1 scoop of scratch. They are throwing the feed around all over the coop. i am very worried about pests that might come. So far, we have had none. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them and try them out! Please help!
If your chickens throwing their food around is a problem (which it is) it probably depends on what kind of bowl or tray you have for them to eat out of. I use a shallow tray that works very well. Also if your chickens spend time outside you don't need to feed them as much food as caged chickens. Hope this helps some.
I know they love to scratch in their food but don't let them. Get a feeder that they can't get into and scratch it out and around the coop.
I should have answered the question in the title. A hen eats .25 to .33 pounds of food a day, so yours would eat .75 to 1 pound a day. Unless the scoop is a small one three is probably to much.
Mine have free choice lay pellets and table scraps with a very small amount of cracked corn.
I want them to eat more laying pellets than anything else.

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