How much water does a newborn chick need in ICU?


6 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Falkland BC
One of my chickens hatched with an unabsorbed yolk sack. It was born sometime last night at the beginning of day 22 and it survived the day. The next hurdle will be surviving the night.
I put it in a cup with a wet paper towel so it would not step on the yolk and yank out the guts. It has been sleeping most of the day, chirping some, and most of the yolk sack has absorbed. But it also lost some blood. I can't tell if it is from the blood vessels on the yolk, or from the chick. I replaced the paper towel in the evening and gave some more water. I think it looks a bit weaker now than during the day and it is very small. I increased the humidity so it is still wet not fluffy.
I gave a few mls of sugar water today.
How much does a newborn chicken need in intensive care? How often do I need to give it?
What else can I do to make sure it gets enough fluid and energy?
One of my chickens hatched with an unabsorbed yolk sack. It was born sometime last night at the beginning of day 22 and it survived the day. The next hurdle will be surviving the night.
I put it in a cup with a wet paper towel so it would not step on the yolk and yank out the guts. It has been sleeping most of the day, chirping some, and most of the yolk sack has absorbed. But it also lost some blood. I can't tell if it is from the blood vessels on the yolk, or from the chick. I replaced the paper towel in the evening and gave some more water. I think it looks a bit weaker now than during the day and it is very small. I increased the humidity so it is still wet not fluffy.
I gave a few mls of sugar water today.
How much does a newborn chicken need in intensive care? How often do I need to give it?
What else can I do to make sure it gets enough fluid and energy?
None really, it gets it/energy from the yolk its absorbing and under normal circumstances all it needs for a couple days. But this is not normal---so do what you feel being you are there. Good Luck
I am concerned about the blood loss and that maybe it should be replaced with more fluids? I understand under normal circumstances they don't need any but this isn't normal circumstance like you said.
How much blood?

How much yolk is left? Absorbing it is a good sign. He doesn't need it to be too humid in there, it can make it hard to breathe. However, he does need the paper towels damp enough, good call on that.

I would not give him any more water tonight. He can aspirate it at this point, and if he's still wet, he's humid enough.

However, I rec some sav-a-chick when he's able to hold his head up and consider drinking. It's an electrolyte solution, which he will need more than plain water if he's had a hard time.

If he's brooder-ready in a bit, give him paper towels to scoot around on, not loose substrate. Show him where the water is and see if he'll take it on his own..Make sure he can't drown in it, though.
There was a little left and started to dry off. However he died a few hours ago. He was very tiny, and exhausted himself. It was not meant to be.
Thank you for your response.

I candled and floated the last 4 eggs (it is day 23 now) and to my surprise there is an egg that is chirping, and one was slightly bobbing. Actually I didn't float the chirping egg. There is still a chance these two can make it. The other two had malpositioning and died. I will go to the other thread about assisting late eggs but I am not looking forward to it. This is exhausting. :0(
There was a little left and started to dry off. However he died a few hours ago. He was very tiny, and exhausted himself. It was not meant to be.
Thank you for your response.

I candled and floated the last 4 eggs (it is day 23 now) and to my surprise there is an egg that is chirping, and one was slightly bobbing. Actually I didn't float the chirping egg. There is still a chance these two can make it. The other two had malpositioning and died. I will go to the other thread about assisting late eggs but I am not looking forward to it. This is exhausting. :0(
Good Luck!
Oh man, I'm so sorry.

Incubation is hard work, and bad hatches are emotionally and physically exhausting. I never wanted to hatch again after my last one, but mum asked me to do a few eggs for her, so I'm back at it.

If it's day 23, you probably are going to have to assist, which is nervous work. You can do it. Whatever happens, know you gave them a chance. Let us know how it goes.

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