How much would you pay?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
Watkins Glen
I am looking to buy a nice well built Coop. The style I am looking at come fro ma local company called Woodtex. For a 6x6 it's around $1400, Here are some photos. My question is, is it worth it? Is that a good price? I know I could never build it this nice...



Here is the info on the coop: "Constructed with our beautiful White Pine Board & Batten Siding, this coop comes standard with (2) Chicken Doors, (1) Single Door, (1) Access Door (which makes gathering the eggs as easy as pie), (10) Nesting Boxes, (1) Roosting Rod, (2) Windows and a Floor that is lined with Glasboard"

I would like some expert knowledge. Never bought one and my chickens live in a shanty. lol
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The coop itself is 6x6, no run but I already have fencing and it's free delivery. took out the "run" word. lol
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If you have the money and don't mine paying that money for it-then get it! I think it's nice..I personally would go about 1000$ but thats me and my area where everyone makes them and folks are willing to bargain a tad for them:)
Its pretty rare to find anyone around here to build one. I have searched online and while driving. I just didn't know what the average for a coop would be.
If I had that kind of extra money to spend I would buy it! Looks very nice and free delivery is a plus.. My coop came with our property and only required some slight modifications in which we used material we had for the most part. Building something like that from new materials would not be easy or cheap.
How big is the human access door? This could be important for routine cleaning etc.
I think the price is a bit steep, but I've built all my own coops so may not be the person to ask.
My husband builds 4x8 coops that we sell uninsulated with nesting boxes and roost for about $650 and fully insulated for $800. Here's one we sold my mom for meatie chickens so it doesn't have roosts or nesting boxes. We later upgraded it with a preditor proof lock on the door. The windows are hand made by my husband.
I wouldn't ever pay $1400 for a 6x6



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