How much would you spend on a duck?


7 Years
Oct 17, 2016
Northeast Ohio
One of my 1-year old Khaki girls developed bumblefoot over a month ago. As soon as I saw her limping slightly, I got her to the vet. Fortunately, it was early stage, and we got her on antibiotics immediately.

While the sores on the foot went away pretty quickly, her limp did not improve -- in fact, got worse.

After the 3rd trip to the Vet (and $700 in with xrays, meds, etc), my vet recommended that I take her to a specialist 2 hours away. I have an appointment with specialist on Monday.

I'm assuming that she is going to require surgery - my current vet says xray shows that hock bones have pulled away from the socket due to infection inflammation. (or something like that)

Okay - so I am anticipating that possible surgery is going to be VERY expensive. I adore my ducks, and this is one sweet girl, but I am not a wealthy person.

How do I mentally and financially cap the amount of money I can spend for her care?

I want to do anything within my means to get her well.

Has anyone had to make this hard decision?
To me (just speaking for myself ) my fowl are ultimately just fowl, and I have culled rather than spend a lot of money that may not really do anything.

One of our ducklings decided to run off my second floor deck (Our ducklings are on the upper floor deck because we live out in the country and they are basically captive easy snacks at ground level. My 16 year old daughter wasn’t as careful as she should have been when moving them to the bath, it escaped and just booked it off the side. It wasn’t feathered enough to slow the fall, just plunked down. We learned from the experience to put it like lightly, and it’s been our only loss so far) It had labored breathing, and blood coming from the bill. My husband dispatched it quickly and humanely, and we even buried it. It was sad, but entirely necessary to end its life and I have zero regret that I didn’t attempt a vet visit .

I’m not a vegetarian or anything, so take my opinion or leave it. As much as I love my fowl, I wouldn’t hesitate killing them to feed our family if I had to.
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My chickens are pets and I've spent a good deal of money at the vet also. I feel that they deserve the same consideration as my dog and cat. I say spend as much as you personally are comfortable with, within your budget, but don't hesitate to tell the vet you're out of your price range and ask if there is another alternative to try. There will always be people that will tell you you're crazy to spend a lot of money on a duck, but I've had folks tell me I'm crazy for spending as much as I have on my dogs. I think people are crazy for spending hundreds of dollars on shoes. It's all a matter of priorities. Do what works for you and your duck, don't worry what others would do.
My chickens are pets and I've spent a good deal of money at the vet also. I feel that they deserve the same consideration as my dog and cat. I say spend as much as you personally are comfortable with, within your budget, but don't hesitate to tell the vet you're out of your price range and ask if there is another alternative to try. There will always be people that will tell you you're crazy to spend a lot of money on a duck, but I've had folks tell me I'm crazy for spending as much as I have on my dogs. I think people are crazy for spending hundreds of dollars on shoes. It's all a matter of priorities. Do what works for you and your duck, don't worry what others would do.
That is excellent food for thought. Thank you.

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