How often do hens go broody?

Tony Al

In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 24, 2014
I have a game hen that sat and hatched eggs about 6 weeks ago. After two weeks I took the chicks and kept them separate, wanting them to be more like pets for a friend. At first, she seemed like she was about to go crazy, running around and attacking just about anything that moved. She did settle down and took her place in my small flock. Yesterday, however, she was trying to take the place of another hen, which has chicks, on a nest. were my other hens lay their eggs. When I reached in, she growled at me and started pecking my hand, ruffling feathers and flapping her wings. When I finally got her off the nest, she went straight back to it. She is acting just like she is broody again. Is it normal for a hen to go broody again so soon?

I had a silkie go broody, sit on eggs, hatch one, then continue sitting on the chick and other eggs for about 3 weeks and then 2 more hatched. She finally quit being broody when the second 2 chicks were a day old.

Your hen and chicks are gorgeous!!!
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Thanks silkiecuddles.. I appreciate the reply. I guess that hens are gonna sit when they're gonna sit. I agree that she is gorgeous- about the best looking hen I have. The chicks are from eggs laid by my other hens - at least from their appearance because none look like her. Two of the four that hatched have a lot of black and in them. I have one black bantam hen, so assume they are from her. One has a lot of red/brown, probably from one of the buff orpingtons or Rhode Island Reds. and the last is mainly white. My rooster, I am told is a golden sex link, and the only one with much white in him.

Thanks silkiecuddles.. I appreciate the reply. No problem. Glad I could help. I guess that hens are gonna sit when they're gonna sit. Yeah, mine go broody randomly. If you want a dependable broody, I highly suggest silkies. I agree that she is gorgeous- about the best looking hen I have. The chicks are from eggs laid by my other hens - at least from their appearance because none look like her. Two of the four that hatched have a lot of black and in them. I have one black bantam hen, so assume they are from her. They all look too big to be bantam. One has a lot of red/brown, probably from one of the buff orpingtons or Rhode Island Reds. and the last is mainly white. My rooster, I am told is a golden sex link, and the only one with much white in him.

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