How often do you visit your chickens?

Yes!!! I am so glad I'm not the only one obsessed with watching my chickens. When I'm at home, I am in and out of the house constantly checking up on them and giving treats. I would say about 3 minimum during the week and 10 times during the weekend. My husband thinks I'm crazy and I started to wonder myself.
Mine can't run loose because of my dogs and the fox, but they have a really compound. I feed and water them in the morning and pick up the eggs. i go out a little later, recheck the water and give them grass and treats. Then, before I go to work (3-11) I re-check their water and make sure the gates are secure. When I get home from work (around 2320) I do dog, horse and goat chores. Then, just before I go in for the night, my 2 Pyrenees pups and I do a "perimeter" check. We check the chicken pens, the horse area and the goat pens. We go inside the chicken pens and make sure they are all tucked in for the night.
I'm out there alot, minimal 3 times, usually more. I go out there and hang out. They like me.

Even my eggs in the bator. Even tho it's day 10, I'm in there staring at the eggs!
As much as possible......I work full time but spend all evening with them and days off. I agree that they are like therapy. I feel like they have changed me......more relaxed, I could watch them all the time and love it when they see you and come running. Family and friends love come over and sit in the yard. My other pets, 2 dogs and cats are also out there all the time and everyone gets along. It's like the peaceable kingdom and I just LOVE that.
i'm so glad to hear that others spend time sitting in their run with their hens! I thought I was nutty - but I love my time with them and wouldn't stop my visits. It's so peaceful and educational - I'm learning about my hens as well as life in general! I usually spend an hour or so in the afternoons after work and on weekends I usually spend an hour or so in the mornings and then short visits a few times throughout the day - in between laundry, dishes and kids!
Since it's summer, I go out in the morning to feed and water and let them out, then come back to check their water later, then go out just to hang out 1-3 times a day, then lock 'em up right before dark.
so 4-6 times total? And since they're at the end of the driveway, whenever I go to ride my bike somewhere, I stop and check on them
It's been a crazy couple of weeks at work, and "talkin' to the chickens" has become both a stress reliever and therapy for me. I spend an hour or so every evening feeding, petting, and talking to them. Weekends I spend more time with them.
If I was home enough, I'd probably visit with them as much as you do!

As it is, either my husband or I open the coop up at o'dark-thirty in the morning when we go to work and then they are home alone (in a large secure run) for the next 9-12 hours. One or both of us always visits them as soon as we get home, though, and a few nights a week and weekends when we don't have to do anything indoors (and the weather is decent), we'll go sit out in the run with them and give them snacks, watch them, handle them, and just chat.
I go out and see my chickers several times a day. I also check on them by looking out the window about a million times a day. And I have a gun near the back door just in case there is any trouble..... Thats okay, right!!??
I used to visit them 3-4 times a day on weekdays, and 6-7 times on weekends, if I didn't have them out and about with me. Now that I have a Great Pyrenees Puppy, I seem to only get up to feed and water. The pup is supposed to guard the chickens eventually, but it is hard to bond them together when it's 110 outside!

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