How often should I de-worm my chickens?


Jun 3, 2020
My chicks are 7 weeks and I havent de-wormed them yet, how do I de-worm them and how often should I de-worm the, also how do I know if my chicks have worms, and how do they get them?
Just give them diatomaceous earth on there feed. Just a sprinkle on every bag and mix it up. You don't need to work them they are not wormed in nature. Just a dust bath and diatomaceous earth.
You don't deworm them. Mine are 4 years old never wormed once. You out the DE in there feed and that is a de wormer it kills worms and bugs.
My chicks are 7 weeks and I havent de-wormed them yet, how do I de-worm them and how often should I de-worm the, also how do I know if my chicks have worms, and how do they get them?
Hey there. I am more than happy to help you out here. The answer to your question is actually really simple AND easy.....
Garlic.....which obviously is easily attainable and a natural dewormer and extremely easy to administer. Do not give it to them directly for feed though....because your eggs will get a garlicky taste!
If you have many chickens and if you use a large waterer....use an entire garlic ... Crush the garlic cloves.....and mix it into the water in the large waterer. You want to have garlic water for one week. So if they drink that water in less than a week....repeat the process. If there is still garlic water in the waterer AFTER one week....dump it out and fill will normal water again.
If you have a small waterer...or water bowl for water....use a couple crushed cloves mixed in with the water instead. needs to be administered for a week.

Also....most people deworm about every six months. see an issue before then. However....there is nothing wrong with deworming them more often if you prefer every three months.

I hope this info is helpful for you.
I promise it is a true method used by many children owners and farmers, and it really does work, and isn't bad for your chickens. previously mentioned DE doesn't work properly as a dewormer.
Hey there. I am more than happy to help you out here. The answer to your question is actually really simple AND easy.....
Garlic.....which obviously is easily attainable and a natural dewormer and extremely easy to administer. Do not give it to them directly for feed though....because your eggs will get a garlicky taste!
If you have many chickens and if you use a large waterer....use an entire garlic ... Crush the garlic cloves.....and mix it into the water in the large waterer. You want to have garlic water for one week. So if they drink that water in less than a week....repeat the process. If there is still garlic water in the waterer AFTER one week....dump it out and fill will normal water again.
If you have a small waterer...or water bowl for water....use a couple crushed cloves mixed in with the water instead. needs to be administered for a week.

Also....most people deworm about every six months. see an issue before then. However....there is nothing wrong with deworming them more often if you prefer every three months.

I hope this info is helpful for you.
I promise it is a true method used by many children owners and farmers, and it really does work, and isn't bad for your chickens. previously mentioned DE doesn't work properly as a dewormer.

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