How often should i hold/play with chicks?

Hold them and talk to them constantly. The more you touch them and interact with them the more they love you and most importantly, the more trust they build.

I was constantly holding my girls and I made sure I spoke to them whenever I walked towards them or past them. They look for you. Now at 1 year old, I step out the door and say "Biggie Girls" and they all come running.
to this day i can pick up and snuggle my 2 year old hens and rooster
i do this will all my chicks no matter what kind from the day they are old enough to handle. they love it1

Now you guys got me scared.
I handle my chicks (1 turken & 4 barahma) every day and they still run away from me. They are18 days old today.
I didn't handle them the 1st 3 days.
Are they OK?
You can almost always break scared behavior. Start by just sitting with them and talking to them. Then, try to get them to eat out of your hand. After that, pick them up for a little while (as you talk to them in a calm voice), then put them back. A few minutes later, pick them up again.

I know it's a long process, but it really works!
Nikki - what kind of chicks are yours? I got a mystery package of chicks and two of them look just like your babies.....I thought it would be fun to get mystery chicks, but now I'm a little frustrated trying to guess what kind I got! But they are CUTE.
I like for my roos to be a little afraid of me - when they're older they have a healthy respect for me and I am the alpha. If you hold them and cuddle them and they love you as a baby - once those hormones kick in - you're going to have a real problem reistablishing control. Don't mean to rain on everyone's parade, but I would just leave him be and hold your girls to get your chicken fix.
Nikki - what kind of chicks are yours? I got a mystery package of chicks and two of them look just like your babies.....I thought it would be fun to get mystery chicks, but now I'm a little frustrated trying to guess what kind I got! But they are CUTE.

Mine are ISB brown...They are now 5 days old.I'll take and post another pic of them tomorrow.From what I read the females are yellow with a redishe brown back.But the males are all yellow.
Well I can see the first time I tryed to quote someone I did it wrong!

I have a question for you all.I hand feed mine everyday and a few of them peck a little too hard.Is this normal?Is there a way to stop it?It's only two of them.I love feeding them.I have 37 and about 8 will come running as soon as I put my hand in there brooder.The 2 that peck hard are usually the first to get to my hand.They have a full feeder of food so I know is not hunger thats making them do it.
Also, is it normal for them to have a lump on there bellies?
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