How often to change the water?

A couple of tablespoons per gallon....I have heard it's good for parasites too and overall health. I put it in doggies water too =P
What's the ratio? How much apple cider vinegar to how much water? I want to put enough in but I don't want to overdo it either.
I agree with Em and Terri; especially with a long hot summer ahead of us. If you were outside all day, really hot and thirsty, would you want to drink warm, dirty water?

My chickens got ice water several times today, in addition to a dripping hose from a deep, cold well. To me it's not an option, it's a vital necessity to keep them alive in 100+ degree weather.
I fill my waterers twice a day....all 5 of them. The ducks pool gets emptied every other day and refilled (they also have a water container that gets filled 2 x a day)...unless it's 90 or more out....then it gets dumped and refilled during the hottest part of the day. If I am not going to be home for the day? Add ice to clean,fresh water and let it go for the day.I would definitely change it at least daily. JMO
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I agree--at least daily---or if not twice..thats what I do a day...What would you want to drink on a a hot humid day a day??? They provide for my family so My girls get a cool drink of water...
I use auto waterers. I also have pans out that I fill daily with cool water for the birds to wade in as it has been so hot here.

I drink water every day. It is always fresh.
My dogs and cats get the same fresh water.
So do my chicks and ducks.

Can I survive on stale, poopy, stinky water if I get THAT thirsty. Probably, but I don't think I'd like it very much.

Just saying...
Five gallon PVC bucket outside of coop and well shaded all day. Pipe runs inside run with a three nipple dispersal. I use 1 tablespoon of ACV (REAL ACV...located in health food section of Kroger) per gallon
as recommended. There is no need to change the water at all. Inside the coop I have a small 1/2 gallon standard waterer that I clean and replace every day. I will be
replacing that with a nipple waterer sometime next week. The coop/run is completely under shade until about 1:00 PM, at which point I lower the roll-up slat shades (Lowes. $6.95 each) to keep out the direct sun.
The heat here has been in the 100 degree range the last three days with indexes around 105 and the chicks have shown no sign of heat related distress at all.

Add ice? You are kidding, aren't you? Of course I did shut off their steam room and sauna.



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