how old before egg laying begins

If you get your chicks now, you can look forward to eggs come September. It really depends on the breed. Leghorns start at about 18 to 22 weeks, Black Sex Links at about 16 weeks, but most around 24 weeks or so.

Keep in mind those are general guidelines. I've had some start at 16 weeks, others not until 34 weeks!
There is a great chart at that will give you a comparison of when different breeds mature.

Here has been my personal experience:

My Delaware and Dominique started at week 21.
Barred Rock, Easter Egger, and White Cochin (way early for a Cochin) at week 22.
The Wyandottes at week 23 & 24.
Black Copper Marans at 24 weeks.
Buff Orpington & Silver Cuckoo Marans at 27 weeks.
Blue Cochin at 28 weeks.
Australorp at 29 weeks.
And my Ameraucana didn't start until week 33.

Time of year may impact when they start as well as daylight hours change. I even had supplemental lighting in my coop, and my Ameraucana, who is supposed to be a "moderately early" maturing hen, took forever to start.
When you're waiting for your chicks to grow up and start laying, those weeks seem like years. After about 4 months, you'll start checking your nests every day!
I live in Luzerne, Michigan (Mio/Grayling area). We purchased two Isa Brown chickens that are approximately 3 months old now. Anticipating eggs everyday! When should they be laying?

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