depends on the climate, here its been in the 70's off and on , mostly on. i took ours outside at 2 weeks it was not windy and it was warm on that day. to me it really is a weather question.
You can take chicks out when it is warm enough that they will not get too cold. they need 90-95 then 5-7 degrees less each week, so if your in the middle of the summer in Texas, they can be outside immeadiatly. If winter in NY they cant go out till fully feathered.
the broodie you will know, if you reach in nest box and you get attacked, you have a broodie
I took mine out when they were 8 days old in 78 degree weather for 20 minutes. They had soooooo much fun and slept really hard for the rest of the afternoon. Here they are: