My oldest is about 4 years and 4 months old. She laid 50 eggs in 2009, mostly in spring and summer.
I have 3 that are 7 years old and have not had any eggs from them for at least 2 years. I recently lost my beautiful Mary Virginia, a 7 year old EE who was laying every other day up until a week before she died. I keep my girls forever so even though I don't get eggs anymore, I have flock wisdom for the "youngsters" and the opportunity to love the old and gentle hens. They are indeed a bonus for my little flock.
We have had our partridge Rock for 3 years tomorrow (she wandered into our yard on New Year's Day) but I'm not sure how old she was then...full grown for sure. She goes in spells with laying. Sometimes she will lay every day then she will stop and not lay for weeks.
Our oldest was 9 years old but died last summer. We still have 5 plus one roo that is 8. Right now they are in retirement but they still have to put up with the 7 young pullets that we bought at 3 day olds in late september of this year.
3year old sexlink that lays evry day except for three months after the dog attack and is still laying as much as she can mostly everyday but has to skip one here and there.
Here is 6 of my 7 girls. The BR (B)- RIR (Red)- BO (Buffy) and Dark brown EE (Hawk) are 8 yrs old. The other two EE's (Light brown (Tanner) and the golden brown (Ruby) are 4 years old. My seventh girl is a Cochin and was sitting on eggs when this picture was taken. She is 4 yrs old. In the summer I would get eggs everyday but once or twice a week I would get 6 eggs. The girls were in the run because our 6 dogs were out, but when the dogs go in the girls get to free range our fenced in 1/2 acre. It doesn't matter to us if our girls lay or not.....we love them anyway.


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