How old must I be to buy chicks from TSC?

Haha ok good! thanks! Is there usually a minimum number you have to buy? Im only wanting to get like 3 but I've heard some places make you get atleast 6. Is this true?

Sorry for all the questions. This is the first year that my town has had a tsc and im excited!
A 17 year old should have no problems buying chicks. I don't have a TSC where I live(I don't think, at least) but there's a chain called Coastal that is pretty similar I'm thinking. Every time I bought chicks from them they just kind of give you a quick list of questions to make sure you can properly care for the birds.

There normally isn't a limit on how many you can buy unless it's a specified breed or something. You should check your town ordinances because they can sometimes restrict you to 3 or 4 chickens and no roosters. If you don't live in the city you can have as many as you want just about.
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You could always phone them and ask about minimum number requirements. I can't tell if it is store policy or local law, but I do keep hearing about stores that won't sell fewer than 6 at a time. However, not all stores do it, and it appears to be vaguely in the Mid West part of the country.

Also, I have heard of stores waiving what requirement if the buyer already has poultry.
In Columbia ,South Carolina city limits you can have 4 hens , no roosters. And all the TSC around here minimun. is 6. I agree, buying one or two is not a good thing for easter . Most poeple don't take care of the little chicks the right way.
I think it may be state law, but also depends upon whether the store is aware if you have poultry or not. I wonder if the local TSC is going to worry if you are buying large bags of poultry feed all the time and want a few different breed chicks. The 6-minimum is more to discourage the impulse buyer of a child's pet.
I picked up two RIRs the other year at our local feed /hardware store. They were close in age to those in my brooder and I didn't have any of that breed. No problem-- but then they know me.
If you are 17, you may be looking for employment soon. Doesn't hurt to mention that you know about chickens!

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