how old rooster to mate


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
I have to 2 hens and 1 rooster I got my rooster in April last year is he ready to make my flock bigger and how can you tell a egg have a chick inside
Is your roo old enough to mate, most definately. How can you tell if there is a chick inside? Have you had a hen that refused to leave the nest for 21 days? If so, you likely have a chick. If not, you don't. Eggs have to be incubated for a chick to start growing. It doesn't just spontaneously start on it's own.
Go to this thread and there are plenty of answers.
Hope this helps. AND WISHING YOU BEST
i use to have 3 hens one passed away due to health and my rooster I think mate her she would not lay a egg would he mate the other to hens

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