How old was the oldest eggs you ever hatched out??

henney penny

10 Years
Nov 21, 2009
Northern Maine
I have been saving my eggs for almost two week now,I won some eggs on ebay and they will not be here for another 5 days,I want all the eggs to go in the bator at the same time.My question is some of my eggs will be close to three weeks old what are the chances they will hatch?I have read that some people have hatched 30 day old eggs.I am going to try it and then candle at 10 days to see if anything is growing.Has anyone else ever hatched eggs older than 10 days?
I have some in the bator now that I waited 2 weeks and five days to put in. I candeled yesterday, which was day 14, and the babies are in there moving around. Hope this helped a little more!
Mine will be 23 days old when i manage to put them in and because it is so hard to get information on this subject and i cant afford another bator im going to start a thread which follows the progress of my three eggs at 23 days old. At least it might be able to answer some questions for people in the future :) just cant decide on the best title so that people can find it easiley, any ideas?
Im about to try the same thing because of limited space in my bator, so i also hope someone with experience doing it responds :)
The latest I've ever experienced one of my eggs hatching was day 27. Little Acuff. He hatched under a broody bantam (the one in my profile picture) It was winter time, so I guess from the low temps where she was set.
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The latest I've ever experienced one of my eggs hatching was day 27.  Little Acuff.  He hatched under a broody bantam (the one in my profile picture)  It was winter time, so I guess from the low temps where she was set.

Not actually a late hatch but we were wondering what is the longest anyone has ever let there shipped or non shipped eggs sit before putting in the bator, that piece of info is also helpful to me though its something i was wondering thanks :)

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