How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

I got a mix of RIR, P. Rocks and Araucana (EE) they all started laying @ 5 months, the eggs were small at first but now (9 mos later) are much larger (lg-xl) by grocery store standards. I have nine hens and usually get between 7-9 eggs a day.
My Black Australorp called Gladys Kravitz layed her first egg when she was 19 weeks, 4 days. The First Day of Autumn, and a Full Moon. It was a very respectable First Egg, what the USDA would refer to as small, but not a teeny tiny one- you know, a pullet egg! Her 5 flockmates were right behind her, as I have not had an egg-free day, since. (Knock wood!)
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Got my first egg yesterday, from one of my 19.5 week old Black Australorps! Egg is light brown, about 1 5/8" long and 1 1/4" wide. Small, but otherwise perfect!
Today I found 2 brown eggs from my silver lace wyadottes 31 weeks and finally they both started the same day, and they were a small size than my gold laced older girls
I got my first egg this past Sunday from my Black Star who I calculated to be 13.5 weeks old. The exact date was an educated guess, but it is possible she was 14 weeks old (maximum). I got another egg on Monday. The first egg weighed 1.1 oz and the second 1.2 oz and both were brown. The shell was thick, which I found to be amazing because I had not yet been offering layer feed or oyster shells. They have a heat lamp and get plenty of light and eat lots of spinach, cabbage, and grower feed. I am offering oyster shells and layer feed on the side now. I am still waiting on my red star who is about half a week older than the black star and I am waiting on the easter egger who is a full week younger than the black star. The black star would squat when you pet her for about 1.5 weeks before the first egg. The other two do not squat the same way so I figure it will be at least another 2 weeks before the red star starts to lay.

The girls always did a kind of squat when you pet them (almost laying down), but about a week and a half ago Ravyn started doing this unusual looking squat. I think I finally understand what people mean when they say watch for the squat!

Oh and the first egg was laid outside so I put fake easter eggs in the nest boxes. The fake eggs worked because Monday's egg was in the nest box.

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