How should I store eggs until ready to incubate?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 10, 2009
Western North Carolina
My neighbor gave me some fresh fertilized eggs to put in my bator but I'm waiting for some other eggs to arrive from Ebay. Should I put her eggs in the fridge until the others arrive or will that reduce their viability?

Thanks Everyone!!
No fridge. I store mine at room temp, in an paper egg tray, tilting it from side to side once a day. Also place the little end down. and you can keep them up to 10 days, after day that hatch rates can drop considerably.
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Although some people have had successful hatches with refrigerated eggs, the best thing is to keep them between 45 and 65 degrees. I don't think 70 or 75 will hurt for a few days. Growing up on the farm, we kept them in a bucket under the sink and had viable eggs. We did not have air conditioning.
I was gone say, who keeps an area at 45-65 degrees just to store eggs? My fridge aint much below 45! and my house stays at 70?
I keep all mine in the egg trays as mentioned above, rotate 1-2 times daily, and just keep them in the house at a decent room temp, true dont let it get to 80-85 degrees in there, but a 70 degree house is just perfect for a week or so. done it that way for many a year.
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I put refridgerated Ameraucana eggs in the incubator at the beginning of March just for the heck of it and they are growing just as well as the others.

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