How significant is interior coop height to chickens' welfare

I just spent the weekend lowering the roost in my coop, which involved building new nest boxes since the roost and poop board were on top of the boxes--quite a project for a "re-do." I lowered the roost for two reasons: 1) my big, fluffy buff orpington was having trouble jumping down from the roost in the morning--not necessarily because it was too high but because the coop itself is not deep enough for her to fly out a ways and land "gently." I was worried she was going to mash her beak on the front wall one of these days and 2) another of my chickens got injured (long story). She's doing great, but during her convalescence I realized that they are all going to get old one of these days. So, I decided that 24" off the ground is better than 36". As far as I can tell, the girls have no idea that anything changed--though my buff orpington may think she's a spring chicken!

Good luck!
Laseterlass, Not sure what you meant by " the heat cannot rise to far" in your reply to someone asking about roost heights? What does that have to do with roost height? Heat does rise! Fact. Thats why most people on this site talk about the importance of good ventilation, besides getting rid of moisture....odors....etc, it is of great importance in removing heat during warm months. Please clarify what you were trying to say. All chickens do not roost at same height and I think it is important to provide varying locations within the coop for them to "hang out". I personally would not build a coop where their was only 2 1/2' of space for my birds. Just my opinion.
Laseterlass lives in Alaska and wants the heat to stay at chicken level - a bit different than Louisiana, to be sure.
My little outdoor run is only about 2 1/2 feet high and they roost about 1 ft off the ground during the day. At night the go in the dog coop and although I have provided a nice wide perch they both sleep in their nesting box.
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It's significant to my welfare. Yesterday I had to clean out the poop in our short coop and my back was killing me. It was fine in a couple of hours but this morning I could barely get out of bed. I am sick to death of stooping in that coop (we are building a new one that is tall enough for me to stand up in. yay!).
Orchid, Understand completly. Just trying to understand where the question was coming from. So to add, If heat rises, why would you want roosts close to floor where cooler air and drafts is sure to be? Again, just a question! Learn something new every day and that is why I keep coming back to this site. Looking for advice from those more experienced than me with taking the most care of our girls. Thanks for comment.
I think the COOP is 2 1/2 feet tall. That should be low enough to keep them warm. I think thats it anyway.

Sorry I did not get back to this sooner. The coop is 2 and a half feet tall. It is insulated on three walls with one door opening a complete wall. It is draft free with 2" by 8' of roof line ventilation. I use deep litter method 6" deep on the floor. The "roost" is a 2x4 turned side ways about 6" off the coop floor. which they have finally started to use if I remove the door ring from the coop at night. Mistake I made. Door to under run in the floor. Since they free range in the back yard I did not think it was as important as it is. May be changing that next summer. I want them to stay as low in the coop as possible to avoid their heads being into the ventilation. Chickens body temperature is 103 degrees, (that is what I have read), With all the down they have they are fine. Our low in Anchorage goes to 20 below. Problem being it can hang there for weeks. They are all from the same hatch and get along great. Also BOs tend to be easy going and do not mind close quarters.

i built my coop so i could stand up in it for the most part and it is comfortable to me so i spend more time with the girls. i am 6'10 so at the tall point the coop is 8' and it slopes back to 6' so i can stand up in most of it

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