How Spoiled are your chickens???

Mrs.Doolittle :

. All I need now is a red velvet cushion on which to present my offerings for her approval! I still find it amazing that she understands such a lot of what I say. She understands "look", "come on then", "do you want to go out?", "what's that?", "chicky bedtime", "no", "spider" & all sorts of other things! Really, she does. I know what most of her assorted "words" mean too.


Sounds like a real sweety and a really lucky girl​
How cute!!!!
This winter, it got very cold, and the winds were ripping through my yard so hard and cold, and I lost my big Turken roo to it, and after that I couldn't stand the thought of losing another of my Standards. I had already moved my Bantams into a backroom in the basement which is bigger than their coop, so we moved the Standards into a pen in the front part of the basement. Well, the boogers learned how to escape the pen, and they would come up the basement stairs, knock on the door, and ask to come in. Never all of them at once, because some are very shy, but the two Sexlink hens that I raised from day olds, they come right up into the hall, and then into the kitchen once that door is open, and they proceed to stand in the kitchen and wait for the fridge to be opened because they KNOW there are yummies in there, lol. Once they get their fill of yummies, they walk around the house. They always visit the bathroom, because they remember that their brooder used to be in there. Once they visit the bathroom, they visit the living room and dining room, and eventually make their way back to the kitchen. The cats steer clear of them since they are as big as them, lol. Once they have searched and decided that there are no more yummies, they wait at the basement door to go back downstairs, and they proceed to go down the stairs, and back to their pen. When they are out in their coop, they will walk all the way from the coop up the path to the porch, climb the porch, and knock on the screen door until someone answers. And then they do the same thing, walking right into the house and into the kitchen to get their treats. Once in a while, if someone gets picked on, we bring them into the house and they get to eat dinner with us. The Bantams LOVE that, lol. End of last week we had my little Cochin roo Bam Bam to dinner. He perched on the back of a chair and got his own little plate of rice and veggies. He was in Heaven, lol. All that was missing was the little bib. He was a character! After he ate he hopped off the back of the chair to the floor and proceeded to vacuum up whatever pieces of rice he had dropped. He decided that he didn't like peas, lol, or celery. After dinner, and after all the blood on his comb had been cleaned up, he got to rest in the bathroom for a few hours til he felt better, then he went back downstairs. In the Spring they are getting a new coop, and I will be planting expensive blueberry bushes along the sides of the coop so that there will always be fresh blueberries for them to eat. And maybe, if I'm lucky, there will be some left over for me to do some canning, but I'm not holding my breath on that! They cleared off every berry on my mulberry tree last year, and all the leaves on the lower branches. Mostly because my mother and kids would go stand by the tree and pluck all the berries high up on the tree and toss them to them. I even grabbed some field corn and fed that to them (Shh! Don't tell the farmers!). Yeah, my birds aren't spoiled at all...
Our chickens are so spoiled they get a treat every morning at 7.
Their favorite treat is cooked oatmeal, second comes fruit (favorite is strawberries and bananas) and greens (kale, cabbage & lettuce).
These are great comments! I feel like I have found my flock here!
My chickens are so spoiled that they have their very own facebook fan page called The Chicks of North Park (link below)! If you are on facebook, please be a Fan and DO feel free to post comments and pics on it! That way friends will know I'm not the only one that is crazy over their Chickens
My chickens (and turkeys) are very spoiled. They get daily treats but if they are bored or feel I didn't share all I could've in the treat department they will climb up on the front porch and peck at the front porch until they get more!!!

Their favorite treats are bread, black oil sunflower seeds, strawberries, and apples.
They're so spoiled, they. . .

Try and get loose from their fenced in pasture, which is 3 acres anyway. . . Com'on girls and boys, you haven't even seen it all yet!!

Don't eat "healthy" food much but instead go for things like corn. If there's lay feed and bits of cracked corn in there, who cares about layer feed right?

ALL have names, even though I have over 30 now and soon will have about 60 or so. . . They'll still have names.

Have Birthdays. I just celebrated 9 of my only 1 year old girl's birthday yesterday. It was with a HUGE platter of food they usually don't get to eat everyday.

Have their own apple tree that they can eat the apples from in the summer.

Are given whatever garden foods we have at the time (grapes, berries, vegetables, fruits from the trees, seeds, etc.)

Are taken care of with whatever problem they may have ( The polish have their crests tied up in with hairties in the winter, and perfectly trimmed in the spring for better vision)

Are allowed indoors in any emergency (if we have a quarantined bird for any reason that needs to be inside, say, if the power goes out. . . I once had my last Turken sleep in my bedroom during a storm!

Get to share lunch with me! If it is sunny, I go outside with them and eat my lunch with them. They'll jump all over me and want whatever they can get - It is hilarious and VERY tricky to eat that way. . . They will do anything for the food, including work in teams against you.
Illia I like that about tying up the crests. Most of my silkies have their crests tied up so they can see and the ones that dont some how fanagled the tie out.
Well they need it - It rains like you couldn't imagine out here, and during the winter they love to scratch and forage in the mud. . so. . . I think you get the picture. With mine I make sure the tie is done really tight but not pulling on their feathers. It lasts a couple months, just enough for winter to pass.

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