How tall to make food stand for GSD?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
We are going to build a stand this week to put Jax's food and water dishes in. We've read that it's better for his digestion if he doesn't have to stoop over to reach his food. We also want to elevate his food to keep the new pup out of it, at least until the new pup is old enough to need his own dishes elevated.
What would be a good height?
Most that I see for large breed dogs are probably around 12-16 won't keep the pup out for long, but hopefully long enough to learn not to eat out of Jax's bowl, or until Jax learns that he has to finish his food quickly!
About elbow height.

Edit: Not sure that this would keep the pup out of the bowl either. You'd probably see the stand tipped over.
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Okay, thanks. Got everything ready to build it and the new bowls bought, just wasn't sure on the height.
I had the elevated dish for my GSD, it was HUGE, just like him, but the vet advised against it, can't remember why, I think it had to do with .......I can't remember
Okay, I'll ask my vet about that. Jax doesn't mind sharing his food with the cats and he's shown no food guarding. However, we have started leaving some dry down for him at all times to help with his hiccups and gas and don't want the pup into free food until he's housebroken.
It's thought that raising bowls can increase the risk of bloat in dogs.

Cumulative incidence of GDV during the study was 6% for large breed and giant breed dogs. Factors significantly associated with an increased risk of GDV were increasing age, having a first-degree relative with a history of GDV, having a faster speed of eating, and having a raised feeding bowl. Approximately 20 and 52% of cases of GDV among the large breed and giant breed dogs, respectively, were attributed to having a raised feed bowl.” (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000;217:1492–1499)​
Gritty..back a few years was still believed that elevated food bowls help prevent bloat...
but they now have found that it is the opposite..
I wouldnt raise his food bowls...
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