How to actually FIND duck eggs


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
hi there

New to ducks, have had chickens for about 8 months with good success so far.

We have three, one male and two females. basically decided on ducks when we were told they LOVE snails...we have a severe problem with them in our yard (ALL OVER THE LAWN...gross) and garden. Also...told that they do lay eggs and...well...can be for meat too.

Have learned that ducks are NOT a bird that can be "put up at night" like chickens but, they were housed in a tractor for the first two weeks after we got them. They now free range. Not really sure if they go back into the tractor at night or not...they go to be way later than I do...and I get up way earlier then...well...when it's light enough to SEE if they are in there.

Anyway, there is a laying box in there but...will they use it? How will I KNOW where they are going to lay so that I can collect their eggs?
hi there

New to ducks, have had chickens for about 8 months with good success so far.

We have three, one male and two females. basically decided on ducks when we were told they LOVE snails...we have a severe problem with them in our yard (ALL OVER THE LAWN...gross) and garden. Also...told that they do lay eggs and...well...can be for meat too.

Have learned that ducks are NOT a bird that can be "put up at night" like chickens but, they were housed in a tractor for the first two weeks after we got them. They now free range. Not really sure if they go back into the tractor at night or not...they go to be way later than I do...and I get up way earlier then...well...when it's light enough to SEE if they are in there.

Anyway, there is a laying box in there but...will they use it? How will I KNOW where they are going to lay so that I can collect their eggs?
Well I am sorry to say that if you live in the land of predators it's just a matter of time before your ducks will be killed or injured since you don't put them into a safe place at night. They are living on borrowed time. My flock ranges during the daylight hours but when dusk starts they are all locked up for their own protection. It takes a bit of work but you can train them to go in at night with a bit of treat like meal worms [dried] and when laying inside a tractor without adequate protection you'll probably not have many eggs because they will be snatched by snakes, rats, opossum just to name a few. even in my house's blk snakes have been know to just come in and help themselves. they need to get use to their house and nest box or you'll be going on an egg hunt each day. and if you have the breed of duck like I do they will be wanting to sit on a nest unprotected which won't work either. So for their own good they need to be taught to go into their safe house or tractor etc each evening and get locked up. Once they get use to their sleeping arrangements then they will probably use their nest box as long as they have privacy. They may use it anyway it really depends on the duck. Most of my ducks lay in their house's some lay in the chickens nest boxes.
hmmm....we don't have problems with pretators...yet and hope not to...

So, I have had conflicting info on DO lock yours up at night? Yikes...between chasing the chickens off the ROOF of the coop to sleep IN the coop and rangling the duckies...could be a late night for me :) Oh well. part of being a poultry parent I guess...

Should I put them in the tractor and then KEEP them in there, again, for another two weeks (NOT letting them out during the day) or...let them out in the am and then chasing them back at night?
hmmm....we don't have problems with pretators...yet and hope not to...

So, I have had conflicting info on DO lock yours up at night? Yikes...between chasing the chickens off the ROOF of the coop to sleep IN the coop and rangling the duckies...could be a late night for me :) Oh well. part of being a poultry parent I guess...

Should I put them in the tractor and then KEEP them in there, again, for another two weeks (NOT letting them out during the day) or...let them out in the am and then chasing them back at night?
You have predators unless you live in a country that doesn't have them and I don't think there are many countries that don't, they just haven't found out yet you have an easy meal,. Yes all my flock is locked up at night, if your tractor is pred safe and nothing can dig under then train them to go in before dark each eve, do you feed any treats? my ducks and chickens love dried mealworms get some and start putting them inside the tractor of an evening so when they go in to eat them you just close the door. make sure they have water inside though. Can you rig up a fence around where the tractor sits, the plastic poultry fence they carry at Lowes works great inexpensive and I buy the plastic fence posts you step on and push into the ground. that way when they go to the tractor to eat they are inside a fence and will be much easier to "Herd" into the tractor. I use clothes pins to close up the fence where a gate would be. Ducks can easily be herded. also the chickens can be taught the same way start giving them a treat inside their coop each evening they will soon get use to going inside.
The problem with the CHICKENS!!! I've had them longer and they are WELL trained to come running for treats whenever I come outside (quite funny actually). they would devower any treats we put in there for the ducks...The ducks are newer and still skiddish around us...they don't RUN from us like they did...but, we can't get too close either without them slowing walking away...

So...maybe...after locking up the girls...we put treats in the duck coop...and herd them in to get their treats...hmmmmm
The problem with the CHICKENS!!! I've had them longer and they are WELL trained to come running for treats whenever I come outside (quite funny actually). they would devower any treats we put in there for the ducks...The ducks are newer and still skiddish around us...they don't RUN from us like they did...but, we can't get too close either without them slowing walking away...

So...maybe...after locking up the girls...we put treats in the duck coop...and herd them in to get their treats...hmmmmm
Oh my chickens are piggies with feathers, yep lock up your chickens and then begin the training. You'll be glad you did. and it will help you get closer to your ducks too. All the best.
I agree with Miss Lydia they really need to be locked up in pred proof pen its a matter of time before a pred finds them. With our first three ducks close to dusk we called them up or herd them at first it may take 2-3 people at first if their skittish toss them the treat some favorites are mealworms, cat food, seedless smashed grapes, peas etc. you'll find their fave my flock is very very food motivated have the person in the back herding shine a small flashlight right in front of them. The flash light works wonders it means bedtime or in ducks case go home time at the same time I say its time to go home. Be consistent ducks need and thrive with the same scheduleif possible. A year and a half later we have 20 ducks broken into 3 groups housed separate but side by side and before dusk I grab flashlight shine in our field and yell time to go home and here all 20 come and the break up and go into their separate runs. It's quite amazing if I'm running a few behind they are heading up on their own ducks are very smart but with anything it takes time btw my other 17 copied my first 3 so they were easy. I would pen your chickens first so there's no confusion. As for eggs provide some pine shavings or choice clean bedding in their pen that's where they'll lay. If you provide them a clean safe run they really will consider it home I find mine at their ( home ) sometimes even when their not locked in.
I have a staff/ tall walking stick that I use with my birds. [thanks Amiga!] I have trained them from the time they were young and when they see the stick come down sideways, they know they are to move in the direction I point. It took a bit to train them, oh yes it did...if I remember, it was 2 weeks before they really got the hang of it. I am currently training another group of goslings and it's something to see the older geese telling the babies what to do and leading them. I am so glad I took the time to do this! We have a lot of predators where I live and if a hawk comes all I have to do is yell out "Hawk!" and put the stick sideways and they are off to their covered pen. Do it, please....their lives may depend on the training of both you and them, someday.
Well I am sorry to say that if you live in the land of predators it's just a matter of time before your ducks will be killed or injured since you don't put them into a safe place at night. They are living on borrowed time. My flock ranges during the daylight hours but when dusk starts they are all locked up for their own protection. It takes a bit of work but you can train them to go in at night with a bit of treat like meal worms [dried] and when laying inside a tractor without adequate protection you'll probably not have many eggs because they will be snatched by snakes, rats, opossum just to name a few. even in my house's blk snakes have been know to just come in and help themselves. they need to get use to their house and nest box or you'll be going on an egg hunt each day. and if you have the breed of duck like I do they will be wanting to sit on a nest unprotected which won't work either. So for their own good they need to be taught to go into their safe house or tractor etc each evening and get locked up. Once they get use to their sleeping arrangements then they will probably use their nest box as long as they have privacy. They may use it anyway it really depends on the duck. Most of my ducks lay in their house's some lay in the chickens nest boxes.

Tried last night. No way! Three of us, two sticks each...nope. they hid in the trees and wouldn't come anywhere near where we wanted them to go. Treats didn't help either. Wouldn't come close enough to even try them...had to give up....try again tonight. Any help how to make it work?

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