How to boil and easily peel a Quail Egg

hey everyone
i found the best quail egg peeler in the world

its a cocktail skewer it has on one end 2 points and on the other end a curved flat end
you just pinch the big end of the egg where the airsack is and take the flat end between the egg and the shell membrain and shell and wiggle the skewer all the way to the top and then the shell eases off with no problem at all i can do 100 quail eggs in less then 30 minutes and your fingers dont get in a cramp
hey everyone
i found the best quail egg peeler in the world

its a cocktail skewer it has on one end 2 points and on the other end a curved flat end
you just pinch the big end of the egg where the airsack is and take the flat end between the egg and the shell membrain and shell and wiggle the skewer all the way to the top and then the shell eases off with no problem at all i can do 100 quail eggs in less then 30 minutes and your fingers dont get in a cramp

Can you take some pictures or video it? I'm very interested in anything that actually works after peeling 5 dozen today.
ok here is the pictures of this skewer
like i said fist roll the egg a little to chrack the shell then take the big end of the egg pinch the end off but not too much you just want to get the air sack open then take the flat end of the skewer and go between the shell and egg and wiggle it all the way to the top of the egg and bust thru the top and just peel the rest off
it works real well and if you get fresh eggs you can peel them easy too
on fresh eggs i go from the bottom too the top and back around to the bottom on the other side

if you can not find this skewer let me know i would be more then happy to help you find them we have a small mom and pop store in the next town that sells them
i cant seem to get the pictures up on the site sorry but im new to posting picture
but if someone will send me a pm on here and dont mind giving me there email address so i can send the pictures to them so they can post them on the site for me i would apereate it very much
i am not trying to spam any one i just have trouble putting picture up on website i guess its a settting on my pc
thank you
hey everyone
i found the best quail egg peeler in the world

its a cocktail skewer it has on one end 2 points and on the other end a curved flat end
you just pinch the big end of the egg where the airsack is and take the flat end between the egg and the shell membrain and shell and wiggle the skewer all the way to the top and then the shell eases off with no problem at all i can do 100 quail eggs in less then 30 minutes and your fingers dont get in a cr
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I just did 5 dozen in a half hour. Much faster. I put the washed eggs in boiling water for 10 minutes, immediately dumped hot and bathed in cool water. I did not have the nifty cocktail skewer but I have a spoon with a pointy end so I used that. I rolled the eggs, pinched the ends and slid the pointy end of my spoon up the egg to the top. I had only about 3 that stuck or tore the whites this time versus almost half last time. Vast improvement so thanks a lot for all the tips and ideas! Will definitely use this method again!

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