How to caponize a rooster Warning Graphic pics

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The second side went much better. We isolated 5 lil roo's yesterday and will try the real thing in about an hour or so. Yes we would like to become good enough at this to either teach others close by or offer the service. I really want to do this with as little stress on the bird as possible. On cattle we use a tool called a "bordezo" (sp) it requires more follow up but seems less stressfull.

I will stay on topic, and I apologize if I have offended.
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Thanks. I'm finding this thread to be fascinating reading. I may never ever actually caponize a bird, but I'm finding it interesting nonetheless.

Newbie here...what's caponizing and what does it do??


**mental note, all posts before posting*****
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We are successful at the basic procedure. The roo seems none the worse for wear and are eating and drinking in minutes. The down side is that because we have self imposed time limits to limit stress on the birds, we have not been able to get both testes removed completely. We have consulted a poultry vet for solutions to the issues we have encountered. So will try to improve this weekend. Our roos are at 7 weeks now. I don't know if there is point of no return in age. Just a foot note, we have not lost a single bird and they seem to be just fine. We'll keep ya posted.
thanks. I am in a very rural place and there are no poultry vets around here. Mine are probably to old to do it to now anyway. But I am way to over run with roosters. Seems that this is a better solution to roosters than making noodles out of
I have some meaties to butcher very soon, I'm planning to try "test-surgery" on at least a few after I kill them, before I start plucking. Then I'll know if I can even locate the correct set of ribs and find the testes. I don't have the tools, I'll be improvising a spreader, and using a crochet hook to fish out the testes.

If anybody has any suggestions, or advice, I'd appreciate it!
You need spreaders that will lock in the open position. A very good scalpel. You can use a loop of small piano wire (.012) or so I think would work well. They are very high in the back. just in front of the kidneys. One heads up is that it is a completely new ball game on a live bird. Have some cotton balls and forceps handy. Be sure to stretch the skin back so that when you release the bird the incisions won't line up. Superglue with an aerosol accelerant works well.
Thanks so much! I keep disposable scalpels on hand, on a farm, you never know what you might need to do in a hurry. I was thinking of a spring-wire type thing, that I can squeeze to close, that's open when released, (sort of like a pair of tweezers, but a little bigger, and with curved hook tips, to catch the tissue edges) to hold open the incision. What would the piano wire be for? Or are you talking about making a spreader from the wire?

What do people use to disinfect the instruments between birds? Is dipping in a jar of disinfectant such as an iodine or betadine solution enough? Peroxide? Bleach might corrode the metal, depending on what it is....
Thanks so much! I keep disposable scalpels on hand, on a farm, you never know what you might need to do in a hurry. I was thinking of a spring-wire type thing, that I can squeeze to close, that's open when released, (sort of like a pair of tweezers, but a little bigger, and with curved hook tips, to catch the tissue edges) to hold open the incision. What would the piano wire be for? Or are you talking about making a spreader from the wire?

What do people use to disinfect the instruments between birds? Is dipping in a jar of disinfectant such as an iodine or betadine solution enough? Peroxide? Bleach might corrode the metal, depending on what it is....

You might try keeping a pot O' boiling water on hand to sterilize the tools... it would be cheaper than a chemical disinfectant. just let the tools cool a bit first lol. Just a suggestion though.
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