How to Clip Wings


Free Ranging
Dec 12, 2020
Jacksonville, FL
I recently came into a new chicken that appears it's going to be a real problem with flight.
How is the best way to clip a wing? How far down do you clip them and how many feathers do you take off?
Can they bleed if you go too far? If so, is it a MUST to pull that feather then?
If I do cause a bleeder, what is best way to staunch it, corn starch works for the rottentoo.
Anything I need to know?

Ive used those hooks before, but this one was so skittish you could not get within 10 feet of her before she already was making to take off, let alone close enough to hook her.

Cattle Prod, haha, ill set it on low, or else we be havin chikin fer dinnah!! If I could get that close TO hit her with the prod I could catch her too :/ Maybe you meant stun gun? :p

A hand cast fishing net could work.
Brooks I hear ya and you are close!!
A cast net is slow and wide, the bird would see or sense it coming a mile off and haul on you. Not to mention they do NOT roost in the wide open, so you will also be dealing with obstacles, tree branches, sticks, fence posts, whatever... to get in the way of the cast and potentially foul up the net so it's not an easy extact and you got a bird hanging in mid air tangled in a net, tangled in a fence... not a fun situation.

What I DID do is, I have a regular fishing hand held net with a fairly wide hoop. I went out at night and sweep pull towards me and ground, it pulled her clean off the fence rail, but since it was a net, she fell right into the net and immediately was entangled. NOT fun for her BUT was safe, she did not go thud on the ground and she was in NO way going to fly off, or even be able to flap or whatever and get herself hurt, messed up in anything else, the net had her firmly entangled.

I got her to the cage,worked her out and plopped her right in the front door of the cage.

Next step is letting her settle in for a day or so, then getting in there and getting the wings clipped since she's already proven she IS a huge fan of flying and won't give a second thought to doing so!

Thank you for your inputs ! We'll tame this beast yet, one way or another. :)
Ive used those hooks before, but this one was so skittish you could not get within 10 feet of her before she already was making to take off, let alone close enough to hook her.

Cattle Prod, haha, ill set it on low, or else we be havin chikin fer dinnah!! If I could get that close TO hit her with the prod I could catch her too :/ Maybe you meant stun gun? :p

Use a net gun :lau .

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