How to create chicken-friendly dogs??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 9, 2011
I haven't started my flock yet, but one major question I have is how do I make sure that my dogs and my chickens get along?? Has anyone had this issue and resolved it? Also my I mention.... I have Chihuahuas...
I have a long haired chihuahua...he had one baby that he loved to play with...for the most part, he RUNS from the chickens...they kindof scare him. I would just introduce them my experience, my chihuahua does not like anything bigger than him...if they start out smaller, and they are not mean to him, he is okay with just about everything.

This is Bacardi playing with his favorite chick, Popcorn
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Thank you! That video was very very cute!
I have a feeling that my 2 Wah's will be more afraid of the hens then anything
I just want to take care of any aggression early before I have the girls here and its World War 3 haha

All of my Dogs were raised as puppies around my birds. So far there's never been any issues.
On of my dogs is very patient and the other (my male) is kind of a brat, but when I work with them they pick up new behaviors pretty quick so hopefully we'll be a big happy family!!
My dogs were 10 months old when we got the flock. Introduced them through a gate and when the dogs would act like they were going to lunge I just said NO! Now the dogs herd the chickens back in the coop for me
other than when I ask them to do something with the birds they will just walk around like there aren't 50 chickens all around them. My boy dog even sits in the coop and run with them, it's pretty hilarious since he eats only raw chicken...

BTW- That video was probably the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!!!!!
Thats how my two are also! Chicken and rice for dinner haha good to know the blood lust doesn't transfer over to the real chicky!!
We brought a (then) 11-month old Great Dane into our household when our ten chickens were about five months old, and free ranging much of the day. We are very fortunate that she has very little prey drive, and even, before we trained her, was only interested in scattering and smelling the chickens, not in harming them.

After three months, she can now be trusted out with the chickens, supervised. I don't know what the magic recipe is, but breed is certainly a factor, even with the huge variation within breed from individual to individual. I would also think that age is a factor. Easier to train a young dog.

We got really lucky (so far). I'm not sure what to suggest, except that the first word you teach your new dog is "OFF".
My two Chihuahua's are almost 4
its crazy how time flies, I've had them since they were tiny little pups! We'll have to have "chicken training 101" for the first few months before I allow and dual Free-Ranging! haha
I thought so too! The first time he did this, I thought I am never ever going to have evidence that this ever happened! Well, it became a regular thing for these two...unfortunately Popcorn came up missing while free ranging one day, presumably a hawk. Every time I get new chicks now, Bacardi tries to get them to play with him, but so far, I haven't found one that will play back

I know what you mean! Bacardi turned six this year. I was SHOCKED that he is that old now! I have 14 young chickens outside right now, the easter eggers rush him, and scare him, and I cannot have them doing that when they are full sized. I do not want Bacardi to get hurt, so they are being rehomed....I think you have less to worry about from your dogs, and more to worry about with your chickens tormenting least in my experience.

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