How to deal with skittish and unusual behaviour


Feb 16, 2017
Hi all, i have three chooks.
Hand raised and hatched in an incubator by me. Handled daily and approximately 6 months old.
Two have lovely natures.
A white araucana that is gentle and docile,
Barred Rock Rooster that is passive around the family and
Both of them enjoy petting and treats.

Then there's the third one, a barred rock. Right from day one it's behaved very skittish and picking on the others, even winding up the rooster until he reacts.
It freaks out at any movement and starts running around squawking and almost hurting itself whenever someone goes near the coop.

Apart from offering treats, Any other ideas how to sort out the behavior?
I don't want it hurting itself or the others but it's like it has mental issues the way it carries on.
Some birds are just like that - they all have their different personalities. Maybe she may calm down, once she begins to lay.
It could be a mental issue, sometimes a good peck on the head can cause troubles for some birds, otherwise as mentioned it could be she can't see well and is potentially blind, so I would catch it and see if it reacts to movement around the face.

I've also had flighty birds that do eventually calm down a bit, but still remain a bit over reactive to situations. Barred rocks aren't usually a flighty breed though.
Chook seems to react to hand movements either side and i can't see any difference either side.

Chook does settle down when held but being a crafty barred rock, always looking for a way out.
I did think it was possibly that but they pretty much ignore each other.

When this one picks on the hen the other rooster does cluck but then this one usually turns on the rooster.
Unfortunately the behaviors getting worse so it might be time to say goodbye.

I'm leaning towards the issues being mental.
I did think it was possibly that but they pretty much ignore each other.

When this one picks on the hen the other rooster does cluck but then this one usually turns on the rooster.
Unfortunately the behaviors getting worse so it might be time to say goodbye.

I'm leaning towards the issues being mental.

I am leaning towards a subordinate rooster trying to sneak mating's in, possibly forcibly and then he gets attacked by the dominant bird. The the subordinate produces submissive signals as he tries to escape attacks by the dominant rooster. Such is normal for the setting you are providing,
I'll separate the sub for a while and see how we go then.
But he's always been aggressive and flighty but hopefully something like that might work
Probably should get rid of one of the boys.

Is that coop/run in the background the only enclosure you have for the 3 birds?

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