How to delete an article in New Members Pages?


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
eastern shore of MD
I started writing a story with the idea of entering your contest. After hours of typing and correcting, etc, half of my story along with some pictures just disappeared. I'm tired of trying to finish it. I want to delete the whole darn thing but I can't. It's not right, it's not something I want others to read but I can't get it deleted. How come? What's going on? Can you delete it? It starts with the title "Chicken TV and the story of my flock."

Please erase or delete. Everything about it stinks. I tried 7 times to change a word in the first paragraph from area to community!! It would not let me correct or edit or then delete.

I'm upset when a simple job like this is impossible and anyone can read every mistake I've made. What is the edit for if it won't let you correct?

Just please get my name and that story to disappear.
Sorry you are having problems. Which browser and version are you using? I suspect that's the problem and suggest that you give the newest version of Google Chrome a try (it's free).

The only article I see that is associated with your account is the one called "Chicken TV and the story of a flock!", and it actually looks pretty good.

Try a different browser and see if that helps. If you still want that article deleted, just click the flag / report link at the bottom and a member of our team can remove it.

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