How to deter a hawk from my ducklings?

Could have been a hawk, owl or even a 4 legged predator. what ever it was sounds like your chickens put up a fight for feathers to be all over. Were they inside of fencing if not even a fox could snatch. Feeding hungry babies this time of year.

So sorry for your losses:hugs
They were in a 4 foot tall wired/gated fence in a 16x 12x footed inclosure?. I'm thinking a raccoon? Maybe a hawk? I'm not sure to be honest, but thank you for your support. I lost my favorite white silkie.
Yeah they don't come on in day light though. A game camera would be good at least you can see what maybe stalking. Think about covering your pen secure what ever you cover with so nothing can fly in or climb in. Also raccoons like to reach through fencing and try and pull our birds through so hardware cloth 3' up from the ground is always a good idea too. There is always something wanting to eat our birds we have to try and stay ahead of them.
My chickens go in at 7:30 every night. Our coop is secured but our fencing ehhh, we should put a wire overhead I think, I'd feel safer but its a pain in the butt to go in and out of to collect eggs.

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