how to drop a hint without being obnoxiousUPDATE


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Columbiaville, MI
so, if you are me, rhandi-jayne dollinger, you are usually the type to say, 'Oh, i don't want anything for my birthday....blah blah blah', because I HATE OPENING PRESENTS....

BUT...and i mean a big bottom...i really really really want a hova bator and a chicken brick for my birthday this year!
(thanks to the person who posted that chicken brick thread and stuck that in my noggin)

so, if you want to help out the girl who never knows how to drop a hint, because she never did...list your reasons here so i can just SHOW my husband and kids what 'Honey' and 'Mommy' would request....

1. why i NEED /WOULD LOVE a hova bator
2. why i NEED/WOULD LOVE a chicken brick

and any niceties you want to add....

let 'em rip guys!!! and help a lame gift picker out!
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Thanks for a good laugh! This is so me, but when I REALLY REALLY want something, I will just say it. My DH ususally asks, but there aren't very many things that I REALLY want, so when I do, I just tell him!!

I don't think my DH would every get me a 'bator, even if I REALLY wanted it!!
He knows what that would lead too...
my b-day is coming up in october and I never know what I want. I am not obnoxious when I want something but I am annoying lol. I must have told my mother that I want rock band 2 about 59 times.
so, i still need some help in how to drop the hint...i never ask for things and always say i don't want anything. this is new to me and i am turning 37! (yes, for the first time!
Let's see, I think you got your answer right there,

"I never ask for anything" and always say," I don't want anything", BUT, this year I would like to have, A Hova Bator and a Chicken Brick.

Done, now isn't that easy????

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I find that for us dopey men, the direct approach works best. Tell him what you want for your birthday. Where's the harm in that? If he usually gets out of buying you a present, he shouldn't be that broke up about it. Although, you should probably assure him that you'll exercise some restraint in the chicken hatching arena if you get one....that's probably all he really cares about.

...don't expect him to read your men can be dumb as rocks when it comes to that...
Print a bunch of information about on those items and plaster them all over the house. Next to the toilet, in the shower, on their pillows, in their closets. Maybe they'll get the hint....

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