how to encourage chickens to lay n the proper nesting box


Aug 11, 2016

have noticed my newly acured chicks lay in their house instead of in the laying boxes
:D what should I do or can I do to get them ( only 1 ) ATM. to the right place?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! You could put some eggs in the nest box and leave them there so they are more encouraged to lay in the nest box. Seeing other eggs on there really can make them follow suite to lay in there.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi and welcome to BYC - great to have you onboard. I agree with Y/Coop. Having said that, if where they lay is clean and its easy for you to collect eggs, its just as easy to let them get on with it. I tend to adopt that approach, rather than getting frustrated when my chickens don't do what I want them to do

All the best
Welcome to Backyard chickens. If you could post a photo of your set-up coop and nesting boxes, maybe we can see a reason why she doesn't use the box.

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