How to extend the height of a chain link fence?

I would buy long poles (probably4 to 6 feet)... maybe there are inexpensive dark colored garden stakes that you can buy...

And then buy dark colored bird net or deer net or equivalent.

Zip tie the poles to the chain link. Slide the net down the poles to weave them in place, or use more zip ties... so the net is stretched from pole to pole.

Gather up and gently tighten the entire thing. Loose bits of net will cause birds to get tangled up in the net.

Hopefully in a dark color it will tend to disappear and not be an eyesore.

Hopefully with it
This is what we did. It has worked for our flock
Mine jump over 4' fence. Mostly the leghorns and OE's. Wing clipping didn't work. I use bamboo poles (have access to free bamboo) and it is woven into the chain link and sticks up high enough to attach some cheap plastic mesh fence. Total height is about 6 feet. It's not pretty but it keeps the attack chickens out of my garden.
Here’s the basic idea. This is my chicken run extension and I had extra t-post exposed to fix string to. Fence is about 5ft, so the extension gave it another foot. Other perimeter fence I did for deer deterrent and it’s the same concept - just with bamboo poles zip tied to the t-posts and 3 layers of string.

The chicken run height extension was working great until recently. I think the chicken figured out a new way to get out of the run, since my kids kept finding Ghostie out by herself in the middle of the day (the ONLY chicken I had to make the extension for keeping in) and my oldest mentioned he's seen her on top of the chicken coop's roof a few times. Well, sure enough this morning when I was tossing them some scratch, I saw her eyeballing the roof of the coop, as if she was getting ready to jump up there....well not even 5 min later when I come back she's magically nowhere to be found inside the run, lol. Roof of the coop is over 7ft off the ground where she must have jumped up! Guess someone’s gonna be getting her flight feathers clipped!
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Good luck with Ghostie! I recently had to hang tomato cages on the top of my fence at the horse trough because one hen was using the top edge of the trough as a launching pad, from there she'd jump to the top of the fence, then a straight head-down chicken express sprint to the dog food bowl in the carport. The tomato cages aren't much higher but I think the chicken can't figure out how to get on top of the fence with them there.

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