HOW TO FEED YOUR CHICKENS if there is no scratch or pellets?

I've heard soy plants are good. We're planting the sunflowers around the fence line, blueberry bushes. I had two and they died last year from neglect on my part. I broke my hand in July and had them in big containers, planned on transplanting in the back yard and they died. They didn't get enough water I guess. Everything else lived but I think they need lots of water Also we plan on planting Jerusalem artichokes. More strawberries and sorghum. Sorghum has a lot of uses. Comfrey as well. I have a list of things I'll have to get them out. But good pants, herbs and consumables for both chickens and humans.
I watched a video where you take an old bucket or new your choice, drill a bunch of holes in the bottom, hang it about chest height where your chickens hangout and put meat in it. Old meat cooked or raw. Let the flies do their job and the larva drop through the holes and the chickens eat them. He says the higher you hang it, the breeze takes the stink away. I'm not sure about it, but I thought about hanging one from a tree in the far back of my yard by the compost bins. Anyone with thoughts about that?

Out of curiosity, where did you get those seeds from? And is there any difference in seeds for planting and seeds for birds/eating?
That's where we're getting it from bird food. The huge bags of blank oil sunflower seeds. I have several heads of mammoth I saved from last year plus a few others, but I want a massive think privacy fence of sunflowers. I had a garden patch my grandson dropped almost any entire mammoth head into on accident last year and we loved it. The birds loved it the chickens loved it, my watermelons and cantaloupes love it. My chamomile not so much. Lol but the chickens loved the chamomile so it has to move. 😂
I've been thinking about this lately as I have been having trouble finding cat food occasionally. I think it's a great topic.

I was thinking of a small fodder system but not sure what to grow.
We've had trouble finding cat food too. Had to go off brand. That's not pleasant. I didn't have enough of the old to transition them to the new cheaper food. They were sick for a couple of days. This time I'm stocking up every time I go shopping and am pre mixing it. We used to buy broken bags from the FACE clinic at $3 & $6 a bag. I could get their good food fairly cheap, plus good canned food. It burnt during the riots. No money to rebuild. It's gone. The clinic itself survived with little damage but the warehouse was a total loss. It was a shame they helped so many foster cats and dogs.
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What do you think of minnows and a worm bin?
I'm not sure if the chickens will eat some minnows but my ducks love them.
I have this small pond next to my back deck doing nothing at the moment so I could add some minnows in hopes that they breed.
Don't know much about worm bins but willing to learn. Worm tea is good for gardens, I hear.
Chickens love fish. At least mine do. I buy then herring, salmon and anchovies as treats in occasion. My mother-in-law chickens go to her lake where the nesting beds are and they fish for themselves! 🤣 They love worms, my chickens love when I turn the dirt in my garden. It's a worm fest.

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