How to Ferment Feed

Hello! I am interested in fermenting feed for my chickens, how do I do that? I have 14 adults and 7 19 week olds. How often do you all feed fermented feed?
I feed it every day start with a bucket of feed with water covering up the feed just enough and then every time you feed mix some more feed and water back in sorry I know that not very helpful 🤪
I feed it every day start with a bucket of feed with water covering up the feed just enough and then every time you feed mix some more feed and water back in sorry I know that not very helpful 🤪
That's the way I do it too. Easiest way. Not an exact science.
How much feed would I need for one day for all my chickens? Also do your chickens have access to dry feed too?
I offer fermented feed in the morning and dry feed all day, so the chickens always have food available during daylight hours, and I don't have to overthink measuring things out.

I use cat bowls or ramekins to serve my FF, so I can scatter the food around. 4 bowls in the morning for 10 adult hens. Roughly... 3 1/2 cups of ferment, maybe?

For your flock, you'd be looking at about double that for part-time FF feeding. I'd probably start with maybe 2 cups of FF a day at the beginning so they can get used to it, and increase/adjust from there.
21 adult chickens will eat around 5# of feed a day. I would start with a 5 gallon bucket. Add 10# feed. Cover with water and stir. Add enough more water for about 2" coverage. The feed will absorb the water and expand over night. Feed as normal in the morning. Throw a scoop of feed in, add some water and stir. Feed dinner and repeat. It will take a few days to ferment fully but in the meantime you will figure out the process and how much to make and feed. You will have a perpetual fermented feed bucket going. Think of it like sourdough starter. Keep adding to the original batch and it never spoils. Having 3 buckets going is too complicated for me.
So I made some fermented feed about a 11 days ago, it did ferment and I gave some to the chickens. Well the last couple days I've forgot to stir it, it also had almost no water, it went moldy. What did I do wrong? Did I need to stir it more and put more water in it? Its not much food but do I need to throw the whole thing out? The only mold I see is on the top, could I get all the mold off the top and give the rest to the chickens or is that risky?
If you are concerned, simply scrape the mold off the top. Ideally, you should stir the mix every day which will minimize surface mold. I prefer to have slightly more water than feed in my mix (about 1.1 or 1.2 water to 1 unit feed). The feed will be soft, but not runny. That said, the chickens like it even somewhat more runny, so it isn't critical.
So I made some fermented feed about a 11 days ago, it did ferment and I gave some to the chickens. Well the last couple days I've forgot to stir it, it also had almost no water, it went moldy. What did I do wrong? Did I need to stir it more and put more water in it? Its not much food but do I need to throw the whole thing out? The only mold I see is on the top, could I get all the mold off the top and give the rest to the chickens or is that risky?
So it sat for 11 days total? I would toss it out, partially because of possible mold and partially because it's not meant to sit that long. It definitely can get moldy if it simply sits around.

There's a difference between mold and kahm but if you're unsure, better to throw it away or compost it.

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