how to find out which chicken is laying which egg


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
Poland, New York
I have 6 different breeds of chickens I have a a RIR,Black Australorp,New Hampshire Red,Red Star,Buff Orpingtonand a Blue Andulusian but I know she lays white eggs but the thing I am wondering about is I have one that lays a real big egg and I thought it was my RIR and I really don't know if someone could help me find out which chicken is laying which egg I would really like it very much thank you.
Three ways observe, separate, trap nest boxes. Observing means you have to be present nearly all the time they are laying. Separating you can put one in a cage until it lays. With trap nests you have to build the box and be there every couple of hours to let them out and collect the egg.

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