how to get a peachick to eat and drink after they have already done so but stopped?


6 Years
Aug 19, 2013
I am having trouble with a single peachick. I had chickens hatch at the same time but it was the only Pea so it is next to the chicks but not with them (I tried to put them together but the pea was too aggressive). This pea is a week old It started out eating and drinking but not as much as I would like to see. no at all like the chicks. It is obsessed with eating wood chips. I took them out and put a piece of carpet in for traction as it ate everything else I tried to use for bedding. It acts drunk. I can't get it to eat or drink much, all it wants to do is peck at everything else. I imagine is staggers from not eating or drinking enough. What can I do?
What are you trying to feed it? If you can get it, 28% gamebird starter is the best. I add vit/minerals/electrolytes to their water for the first couple of weeks and acv after that. The chick isn't blind, is it? If its pecking the bedding, I would sprinkle feed on the carpet as if it was a new hatch and hope it learns about the feed dish, before you waste a whole lot of feed. If its been like this for any amount of time it will be weak, so I would try again to give it company, pick out the largest chick and see if it gets along with your peababy, 2 would be better. Good luck, hopefully someone else will have more suggestions if this doesn't work.
What are you trying to feed it? If you can get it, 28% gamebird starter is the best. I add vit/minerals/electrolytes to their water for the first couple of weeks and acv after that. The chick isn't blind, is it? If its pecking the bedding, I would sprinkle feed on the carpet as if it was a new hatch and hope it learns about the feed dish, before you waste a whole lot of feed. If its been like this for any amount of time it will be weak, so I would try again to give it company, pick out the largest chick and see if it gets along with your peababy, 2 would be better. Good luck, hopefully someone else will have more suggestions if this doesn't work.
It is on gamebird starter and does have electrolytes and probiotics in water. I am thinking it is lice. It is constantly picking itself and now I am broke out with some mysterious welts all over my face and neck. The big chicks are afraid of it because it constantly bites them.
What can I use on a 1 week old to possibly treat lice/mites? Perhaps the obsessive compulsive behavior is due to the itchies???? Not blind.
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What kind of brooder do you have it in? is it indoors or outdoors
Have you tried scrambled eggs yet? wetting down the game bird feed helps also All my wee peas pecked stuff till they figured out what was eatable and what was not, If it was with it's mom this is what it would be doing she would show it what to eat.
5% seven dust will get rid of mites if you think it has them but mosquitos and ants can cause welts if they are kept outside.
I feed crickets or mealworms (they can bite, so I squish their heads) if they lose interest in eating on their own and force feed them if they won't eat them on their own.

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What kind of brooder do you have it in? is it indoors or outdoors
Have you tried scrambled eggs yet? wetting down the game bird feed helps also All my wee peas pecked stuff till they figured out what was eatable and what was not, If it was with it's mom this is what it would be doing she would show it what to eat.
5% seven dust will get rid of mites if you think it has them but mosquitos and ants can cause welts if they are kept outside.

They are in house in a storage tub. The chicks will go out to the outdoor brooder but the singlet will stay until I get another place built for the younger peas (I have 4 more to hatch next week or two).
I had a peafowl egg that they stepped on and dented so I had it in the frig and cooked it up this morning. It gobbled up a few pieces then stopped. I got it to pick some of the wet crumble. Hoping it will be sufficient to get it going again. I also powdered it with the DE. It isn't acting as demented and is actually quite calm. I am not seeing a lot of BM though. Hoping it isn't bound up from the wood chip demolition.
I had a few singlets this year and last. With them I find that it helps to peck the food as often as you can with your finger while making a clicking noise at it (with the tongue against the roof of your mouth) I try to do this every 2 hours or so. I pick it up between 2 fingers and just hold it there while making the clicking noise. They usually love this and run right over to gobble the food. Like Trefoil said it helps to scatter some of the dry crumble around until they figure out the food dish and as Zaz said it really helps to wet the crumbles in the bowl. They like it better that way and it helps get some extra water in the chicks. Also they hate being alone so if I can't borrow a duckling or chicken chick from my neighbor I put in a mirror with them (near the food so they feel as if they have company while eating) which helps a whole lot and I leave a radio playing in the room. I had a chick get loopy also but it was because he wasn't sleeping enough with the light being on all the time. Now I always wrap the chicks up in a towel (with room in it for them to get closer or further from the heat) at night time to get them on a sleeping schedule. They love that, it's like cuddling with their moms at night and it also keeps them quiet so you can sleep.

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