How to get chickens to come when called and when to free range?

How do I get my chickens to come when I call? My chickens are seven weeks old and I am thinking about free ranging them soon. I want them to come when I call in case I need to get them in for some reason. They go in at night from the run into the coop perfectly so I was just wondering how to go about training them. Also when do you guys think would be a good time to let them out to free range for the first time? Thanks
Quick update. I tried to make them come from one side of the run to the side that I was on. I took my bag of meal worms and shook it while saying here chicky chicky and immediately about half of them came running over to me and I fed them. Then some others came and it took about three minutes to get all of them over to me having a little feeding frenzy so if I left the fridge I don’t think I’d have any problems getting them in
I'm thinking about letting my chickens out to free range but there are alot of free range chickens around and I'm afraid they will go w the other chickens instead of coming back.
How do I get my chickens to come when I call? My chickens are seven weeks old and I am thinking about free ranging them soon. I want them to come when I call in case I need to get them in for some reason. They go in at night from the run into the coop perfectly so I was just wondering how to go about training them. Also when do you guys think would be a good time to let them out to free range for the first time? Thanks
How do I get my chickens to come when I call? My chickens are seven weeks old and I am thinking about free ranging them soon. I want them to come when I call in case I need to get them in for some reason. They go in at night from the run into the coop perfectly so I was just wondering how to go about training them. Also when do you guys think would be a good time to let them out to free range for the first time? Thanks
I started calling " chick chick chick" with my first 2 . The next 2 picked it up real fast. The last 2 are 2-3 weeks old but they will catch on. The 4 will come running at top speed when I call them because the only time I do call them is to give them something.

I may have inadvertently created a monster. When my foundling rooster Pepper started crowing I got up real fast and quickly let him out of the coop and gave him a little food to try and keep him quiet. Im worried my 3 backyard neighbors won't like the crowing, esp at 630am on Sat and Sunday. He is relatively small , not Banty size, and we haven't had any animal control visits yet so Im assuming all is well. For the most part it has worked. I dont care i f he crows later, just not super early. We can have chickens but roosters can be a problem if neighbors complain. My question is did I train him that if he crows he gets let out of the coop?

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