How to get roosters to get along?


Apr 23, 2023
How do I get roosters to get along? They absolutely hate each other and they used to be besties (I will not be participating in eating/harming either of them) I keep them separate from each other since they had a big kerfuffle and almost killed snowball (my white rooster) the other ones name is scout, I have one small flock so they kinda have to share, is there a way for them to get along? (Again please don’t offer any advice on hurting them I love my babies!)
short answer: not really. you could fence one in, perhaps make another coop with a few more hens. my grandma once built a chicken coop right next to the pre existing one, and made a sort of tunnel/ doorway between them. the hens chose their roosters, and the boys kept to their sides of the coop. there will always be fighting, but more hens might help.
short answer: not really. you could fence one in, perhaps make another coop with a few more hens. my grandma once built a chicken coop right next to the pre existing one, and made a sort of tunnel/ doorway between them. the hens chose their roosters, and the boys kept to their sides of the coop. there will always be fighting, but more hens might help.
I love that idea! Maybe I will try that!
How do I get roosters to get along? They absolutely hate each other and they used to be besties (I will not be participating in eating/harming either of them) I keep them separate from each other since they had a big kerfuffle and almost killed snowball (my white rooster) the other ones name is scout, I have one small flock so they kinda have to share, is there a way for them to get along? (Again please don’t offer any advice on hurting them I love my babies!)
They have to work out who is the "top dog" there. We're over on roosters with 3 to 14 hens and they get along for the most part. Now and then there's a spat. There were some all out, drag out fights even a couple of times but my border collie breaks those up. They worked it out and sometimes I'll see them all free-ranging together, other times each has his own ladies.

It can work, but twice I've culled a rooster that just couldn't stop fighting and was taking on hens even drawing blood. That, I won't tolerate.
You didn't mention what breed they all are and if they're similar in size and weight.When a rooster wants to be the leader whether he's bigger or not he will challenge the other one until he's beat or the other one submits.Game chickens will fight to their death
How do I get roosters to get along? They absolutely hate each other and they used to be besties (I will not be participating in eating/harming either of them) I keep them separate from each other since they had a big kerfuffle and almost killed snowball (my white rooster) the other ones name is scout, I have one small flock so they kinda have to share, is there a way for them to get along? (Again please don’t offer any advice on hurting them I love my babies!)
Free range chickens can avoid each other and get along. When contained it can mean endless fights .I have 2 roosters in the same coop and they share 20 hens in a large run.They have always been big buddies and still roost with a hen between them but they're a year old so I watch for signs of fighting.I'm starting to free range them some so that lessons the stress
Free range chickens can avoid each other and get along. When contained it can mean endless fights .I have 2 roosters in the same coop and they share 20 hens in a large run.They have always been big buddies and still roost with a hen between them but they're a year old so I watch for signs of fighting.I'm starting to free range them some so that lessons the stress
My working theory is that when given time to free range, males learn to just tolerate each other in pens a bit easier than ones that are confined for the entire time

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