how to hatch shipped eggs????


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
hello! i hae a hen that went broody a few weeks ago, i ended up buying a few polish eggs from mypetchicken to give shipped eggs a shop! ive always hatched my own eggs! so this is a bit new to me! and i wanna make sure i do it right! cuz i know the hatching rates can be lower with shipped eggs! i just picked them up today, and have them in a egg corten in my house at room temp! should i be tilting them every so hours like normal eggs? or should i just let them settle since theve been moved around so much? also when can i put them under her? after 12 hours right? thank you so much for your help!!
hello! i hae a hen that went broody a few weeks ago, i ended up buying a few polish eggs from mypetchicken to give shipped eggs a shop! ive always hatched my own eggs! so this is a bit new to me! and i wanna make sure i do it right! cuz i know the hatching rates can be lower with shipped eggs! i just picked them up today, and have them in a egg corten in my house at room temp! should i be tilting them every so hours like normal eggs? or should i just let them settle since theve been moved around so much? also when can i put them under her? after 12 hours right? thank you so much for your help!!
I've got shipped eggs under a broody due to hatch Wednesday.
The eggs were allowed to settle for 24 hours in a carton pointy side down. They were candled to inspect for cracks before setting. All looked good.
Mine were started in a bator as I was still grafting my broody to the Maternity Ward nest. She got them on day 8. They were candled on day 8 and 14 and all 6 eggs were developing.


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