How to integrate one chicken?


Premium Feather Member
6 Years
May 8, 2017
Hi, so about a month ago one of my EE hens hatched 2 baby chicks. I checked on them a few days later and she had let one of them die and the other one wasn't looking good so I brought it inside, put it under a heat lamp and gave it some chick crumble feed. It's been doing really well so far, I put it outside during the day and at night I bring it inside and put it in an animal crate. I think it's almost old enough now to integrate with my main flock, but I've never raised one chick by itself like this and I'm not sure how to go about it. Any help appreciated.


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Here's how you do it. Rig up a little pen inside the run and make several 4x 7 inch holes around the bottom, or take a cage without a bottom and raise in few inches off the ground so there's just enough room for the chick to scoot under to get inside for safety.

Assuming the chick has had a month to become familiar with the other chickens, it will then be able to mingle with them, and if it feels unsure of itself, it can scoot back into its safe haven. Its food and water should be inside. This I call a "panic room", and I've been using this method for many years. The chicks use it until they reach ten weeks.

By age five or six weeks, you may be able to teach it to roost with the others on a partitioned section of the perch at one far end.

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