I have 5 chicks, 2 roosters and 2 hens. One we can't tell yet. Well, anyway, the hens have pecked the chicks before when I've let them free-range together (under supervision, of course). It was the 3 Golden Laced Wyandottes mostly pecking them . My Easter Egger only pecked them once because the chick was irritating her, or so my brother says.When they pecked them I've shoved or hit them. Well, yesterday I put the chicks in the run with the big chickens, and they seemed fine. I was inside, then my sister ran up shouting for me and I went out and 2 Wyandottes were pecking Vanilla (the Easter Egger rooster) cornering him and pulling at his wings. I went in and got the chicks out. My sisters said the broody hen heard the chick screaming, came out of the nesting box, and raised her hackles at the Wyandottes and tried to protect the chick. My buff orpington is really sweet.
How do I introduce them again?
How do I introduce them again?