How to Keep Chickens From being Bored

They love a bale of straw put in there too. They take awhile to shred it up. Make sure you take off the baling twine first. Once it rains on it flip it over for them if they havent totally killed it. They love the bugs under it and in it once it gets wet.

After putting some in their nest boxes, I stored the remainig bale of wheat straw in the hen house. Huge mistake. That stuff has been strewn from one side of the hen house to the next and is now down in the poop drawer under their roost, too ... covered in chicken poo, of course! I wondered why they were going in the hen house every day; I had hoped it was to check out the nesting boxes. Nope. It was to have a grand ole time playing in the hay!! D'oh!! Didn't realize chickens were just like little kids. What a mess I have waiting to be cleaned up.
So many great ideas and a lot to learn that i didnt know before... the main thing i give is grass clippings and bamboo clippings. i have bamboo growing like mad at the corner of my property. they love it.
today I tied 2 ears of corn and hung them from a beam - to just a few inches from the ground. (my girls are only 2 months old!) so far they are still checking them out, but I can't wait for them to peck away! Can't wait to try the suet cage idea, too!
Oh, the big chickens!!

My chickens were afraid of strawberries until I accidentally stepped on one and they found out it was food. I still have to crush them in order for them to eat it.
GO TO " and go to treats section.... there are some chicken toys there. and they are not expensive either.... try it lovelybantam!!
you might enjoy watching them play!
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Silly chicken owners.... Don't you know that to keep chickens occupied all day you need to hire a chicken sitter like me to come and play with them all day?

But seriously, Mine love the cabbage hung from tree outside and ceiling inside. Just dont give to much or they will get the runny poos. They love a bale of straw put in there too. They take awhile to shred it up. Make sure you take off the baling twine first. Once it rains on it flip it over for them if they havent totally killed it. They love the bugs under it and in it once it gets wet.

I am thinking a day spa for them next year.... lol
ya hahahaha nice idea there!
On hot days I give my girls a Frozen watermelon halfed... They Love it. I have even seen some that inside the empty rind and take a nap:) CUTE!!

Using different types of feeders is good too because it allows for less dominant birds to feed with ease and gives variety... Like a hanging, a bowl, or even a hay feeder like you use for rabbits or GP. Put leafy greens or carrots in it:)

Like others said hanging a cabbage is fun. Also if you have a mesh bag or even a onion bag.. you can fill it with hay, or corn on the cob.. They have to work a little harder for the food so it keeps them busy:) Just watch the bag.. it will eventually be pecked apart. I usually put mine in for just a few hours and remove . Or do so when Im working outside.
When my chickens were little I put a mirror in their pen. They were baffled by it and would stare at it for a while. I also tied a chopstick to a string and strung it up after I filled it with tomatoes. I put it just high enough so they had to jump to reach it. Tomatoes are soft and ripped off easily so I would suggest something like a cucumber. It gives them exercise and a good mental workout every day. Although anything that they have never seen before keeps them pretty busy as they have no idea what it is or if they should peck it.
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